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Artist Works
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: A. López C. has been Archaeological draftsman of the Ethnographic Museum of Geneva - Switzerland. Draftsman and photographer in chief of the Archaeological Complexes: Ventarrón, Collud, Zarpán and Úcupe, Lambayeque. Draftsman and chief photographer of the Archaeological Complexes: San Isidro and Montegrande, Jaén, Cajamarca. Las Juntas and Casual, Bagua, Amazonas.
Collaborator in archeology books:
- "Ventarrón and Collud: Origins of Civilization in Northern Peru". Ignacio Alva Meneses. 2012.
- "Upper Amazonian Archaeology: Origins of Civilization in the Peruvian Amazon". Quirino Olivera Núñez. 2015.
English speaker: No
Website: https://daapi.webnode.es/
Participation Date: 02 June 2022