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Rocio Chuquimia, born in Caranavi (Nor yungas) of the City of La Paz in Bolivia; 25 July of 1969. He made several group exhibitions in La Paz, Cochabamba and Sucre. She was invited to Biennials through the National Museum and Espacio Simón y Patiño, and also participated in exhibitions with topics related to women in Peru.
The year 1991 won the first prize in Painting "Carlos Salazar Mostajo" Cultural Foundation Award Emusa a la Obra: "Question of Identity after 500 years"
In the month of March of the year 2000, carnival time he created with his companion; the Ojo de Agua Cultural Center, the First Space for Native Music created especially for the recovery of ethnic traditional music from our Country Bolivia. The success achieved in the following two years gave the city of La Paz a feeling and a sense of recovery of our culture.
The 2008 year was coordinator of the Project "Music of the Kallawaya culture"
The 2012 was part of the elaboration of the ceramic mural "Tree of life"
The 2014 year was part of the choreography and scenography organization of the First Wind Festival in the Andes of the City of La Paz in Bolivia
The 2015 initiates its investigation of the project "I am Lady but I would like to kiss you"
For its elaboration, it becomes part of the neighborhood board of the Zona Villa Exaltación second section, and; Women who hire for the construction of the Pan American Highway are incorporated into the group of Bricklayers. In this way, she was able to build the work of 800, photos of women in kissing attitude with the following slogan: The woman deserves to be loved and to love, to kiss; today, tomorrow and always.
The year 2016 participated with this work in the Biennial Siart, See with the ears.
The 2017 made Residency of Art in Gray Matter resulting in the Work "Immanent", part of the work and series "Dolls awake" that started the year 2016.
Currently he is developing two projects: "Café ex Tinto Café", "Creer - Suerte,
Faith - Miracle ".
English speaker: Si
Participation Date: Jan 01 2018