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Category: Drawings
Condition: On sale
Biography: Hello! My name is Kevin. I really like to run, walk, listen to music and eat a lot of pasta hehe, but really what I'm passionate about is drawing. From a very young age in school everyone knew that I would somehow stand out in the world for the way I express myself through pencil on paper. But not everything comes from a thought or feeling, to the truth there is a source of spiritual inspiration that makes me spend hours invested in each piece I do. I only wish that the expression of silence be denoted in the detail of each work and that the one who contemplates the work feels the proximity to the image. If it were for me I would add much more, but I think it is better for the pencil and paper to speak for themselves.
English speaker: Si
Website: https://www.behance.net/AprendisyJe
Participation Date: Feb 13 2020