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Artist Works
Great Crystal
Condition: On sale
Condition: On sale
Have space winding
Condition: On sale
Biography: Born in Bilbao on May 13, 1971 with the ease of a family where the religious ethical foundations invited to ask the why of life and existence and why of the lives and existences of other existing beings with an attitude Of consideration and open to ethical progress not based on sexuality and violence I lived my first years of happy existence. With adolescence the attacks came to that bubble of peace and thoughtful attention. Already in my youth I suffered in many moments of my existence to be questioned and attacked by those who believe in violence and legitimate defense in such a way that they use it as a weapon with which to disable people. These experiences produced a terrible trauma, of which only meditation and continued encounter with a constructive foundation in why we exist, we can come to exist and what we can get to do has enabled an attitude of tranquility and meditation in a life where the stillness in the task to be done day by day is the only counselor that makes me feel alive.
Art is a way of expression, where I try to learn all the science that is also my existential event that with determination I am determined to delimit this existence and any possible future existence. An author who lives from her work allows the full expression of the human being to be realized, that expression that arises from having resources with which to approach other human beings and other beings and make existence a non-destructive and non-sexual foundation. That is the energy that moves me to use digital art, a resource that is easier to access and elaborate than traditional works, digital art where to achieve the resources with which to do something for my existence and the existence of other beings.
English speaker: Si
Website: http://No
Participation Date: Feb 12 2020