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Man with boxes
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"Hombre con cajas"

Man with boxes

, Oil on Canvas, Unique piece

Price: 250 €

Summary of the original work

Oil on canvas
Sizes: 61 cm wide x 38 cm high.
Year: 2014
It would be nice to stay comfortable and certainly infinitely resting on the surfaces of fabrics Daniel Garcia: his perfect and rigorous contours, these zigzagging lines demarcating the figures charging them with eroticism and sensuality, bright colors and flat and calm oceans, harmony and the order of his compositions. All of these elements attract our gaze towards the visible scene, narrated, however, we are too malicious to stay at the Eden, and soon discovered the sarcasm of both tanned body, so much superfluous frivolity, repetition playful situations, leisure and joy, in short, both stereotype. The photographic language in the frame of each moment, shows obvious but inconclusive events. There is always something we can not see, whose access is forbidden us, and we ended up watching the picture as if we were mere voyeurs, who stopped to look at a painting to be participants in a story.

One of a kind Artwork

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Ships to Spain only

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    Published in Artenet since: January 10, 2015
    Last updated: January 16, 2015

    • Details of the original work

      Oil Painting on Canvas
      Sizes: 61 cm x 38 cm.
      Year Created: 2014

      Style / Topic

      Theme: Figures


      It would be nice to stay comfortable and certainly infinitely resting on the surfaces of fabrics Daniel Garcia: his perfect and rigorous contours, these zigzagging lines demarcating the figures charging them with eroticism and sensuality, bright colors and flat and calm oceans, harmony and the order of his compositions. All of these elements attract our gaze towards the visible scene, narrated, however, we are too malicious to stay at the Eden, and soon discovered the sarcasm of both tanned body, so much superfluous frivolity, repetition playful situations, leisure and joy, in short, both stereotype. The photographic language in the frame of each moment, shows obvious but inconclusive events. There is always something we can not see, whose access is forbidden us, and we ended up watching the picture as if we were mere voyeurs, who stopped to look at a painting to be participants in a story.


    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Ships to Spain only

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    • Editor comments


      Selected Work

      "His work was selected as one of our covers week Artenet Facebook!"

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    Artist: Daniel
    Man with boxes
     Buy "Hombre con cajas"
    Price: 250 EUR

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    Man with boxes
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    Original price: € 250 or Best Offer


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    Item location: Spain
    Ships to Spain only

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