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Ponte medieval Pontevea. Oil on canvas 40x30 cm

Ponte medieval Pontevea. Oil on canvas 40x30 cm
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2021 Adrián Hermida Mayo, All rights reserved.

Adrian Hermida Mayo
Speaks English

"Ponte medieval de Pontevea. Óleo sobre lienzo 40x30 cm"

Ponte medieval Pontevea. Oil on canvas 40x30 cm

Original work, Oil on Canvas, Unique piece

Price: 280 €

Summary of the original work

Oil on canvas
Sizes: 40 cm wide x 30 cm high.
Year: 2021
The medieval bridge of Pontevea is an interprovincial bridge that for hundreds of years has been the only access route to Compostela from the lands of the Val do Vea. Its architectural characteristics reveal a Romanesque-ogival construction, with six ashlar arches, three semicircular and another three slightly pointed, supported by five large pillars, with triangular cuttings upstream and trapezoidal downstream. The bridge has a certain slope from the central pillar and a slight curve coinciding with this same pillar. The exact date of the current bridge is not known, although historians place its construction around the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, replacing or modifying a previous bridge, possibly Roman, related to the XNUMXth route of the Antonino itinerary, which communicated Braga with Lugo and crossed the "Pons Vellegia" (Pontevea) from Aquis Celenis (Cuntis).

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Ships to Spain only
  • Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: September 15, 2021
    Last updated: October 06, 2021

    • Details of the original work

      Oil Painting on Canvas
      Sizes: 40 cm x 30 cm.
      Year Created: 2021

      Style / Topic

      Style: Realism
      • Architecture
      • Landscapes


      Medieval bridge that crosses the Ulla river in the town of Pontevea (A Coruña).


      The medieval bridge of Pontevea is an interprovincial bridge that for hundreds of years has been the only access route to Compostela from the lands of the Val do Vea. Its architectural characteristics reveal a Romanesque-ogival construction, with six ashlar arches, three semicircular and another three slightly pointed, supported by five large pillars, with triangular cuttings upstream and trapezoidal downstream. The bridge has a certain slope from the central pillar and a slight curve coinciding with this same pillar. The exact date of the current bridge is not known, although historians place its construction around the XNUMXth-XNUMXth centuries, replacing or modifying a previous bridge, possibly Roman, related to the XNUMXth route of the Antonino itinerary, which communicated Braga with Lugo and crossed the "Pons Vellegia" (Pontevea) from Aquis Celenis (Cuntis).
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Ships to Spain only
      Shipping Spain: 0 EUR

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.
    Contact the artist

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    Artist: Adrián Hermida Mayo
    Ponte medieval Pontevea. Oil on canvas 40x30 cm
     Buy "Ponte medieval de Pontevea. Óleo sobre lienzo 40x30 cm"
    Price: 280 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Adrián Hermida Mayo" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    Ponte medieval Pontevea. Oil on canvas 40x30 cm
    Make an offer to Adrián Hermida Mayo for Ponte medieval de Pontevea. Oil on canvas 40x30 cm
    Original price: € 280 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Spain
    Ships to Spain only
    Shipping Spain: 0 EUR

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

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