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Pain and peace
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Lidia Pérez Gómez

"Dolor y paz"

Pain and peace

Original work, Others on Paper, Unique piece

Price: 20 €

Summary of the original work

Other on Paper
Sizes: 21 cm wide x 29.70 cm high.
Year: 2020
This drawing is called pain and peace, because their hands together transmit peace but both hands were separated out of obligation and with a thousand wounds in the heart. The drawing can be divided into 3 parts which make their union. To begin with I made the heart, a too broken heart, with many scars, trying to heal, after the past pain. On the other hand, the representation of the hands is very well known, but for me, it has another meaning, it is like the person who caused that pain also marks distance, they wanted to be close but those two hands had to be separated and at the same time if they were they united they gave each other peace and everything was cured. Finally the red thread, representing love, the union that does not separate anything.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Spain
  • Ships to Spain only
  • Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: April 26, 2021
    Last updated: April 26, 2021

    • Details of the original work

      Other on Paper
      Sizes: 21 cm x 29.70 cm.
      Year Created: 2020

      Style / Topic

      • Others
      • Cartoons and Comics


      This drawing is called pain and peace, because their hands together transmit peace but both hands were separated out of obligation and with a thousand wounds in the heart.


      The drawing can be divided into 3 parts which make their union. To begin with I made the heart, a too broken heart, with many scars, trying to heal, after the past pain. On the other hand, the representation of the hands is very well known, but for me, it has another meaning, it is like the person who caused that pain also marks distance, they wanted to be close but those two hands had to be separated and at the same time if they were they united they gave each other peace and everything was cured. Finally the red thread, representing love, the union that does not separate anything.
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Spain
      Ships to Spain only
      Shipping Spain: 5 EUR

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.
    Contact the artist

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    Artist: Lidia Pérez Gómez
    Pain and peace
     Buy "Dolor y paz"
    Price: 20 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Lidia Pérez Gómez" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    Pain and peace
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    Original price: € 20 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Spain
    Ships to Spain only
    Shipping Spain: 5 EUR

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 3-5 days since actual payment.

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