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Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Marine fury
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
" Roads..."
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: "To be or not to be an artist is unnecessary to analyze.
What does matter is communication with the other.
Transmit an emotion, a dream, a feeling, a desire where the other can also identify.
In my case, memories play a very important role because I consider them props of my present and future quies. In addition, all human beings have common memories, which makes dialogue more fluid.
I do not perform previous sketches, nor do I copy, I only paint for that of spontaneity, that interior current that is formed to end up reflected in the canvas. My images usually speak because of their shape and color, but they always respond to a concept: an idea, a dream, an emotion or simply an impulse ...
The use of non-traditional techniques means that for communication I use channels, read form, color and different techniques that merit the reality of the expression.
To have a good dialogue is necessary above all to enjoy it. Each interlocutor must identify with what he says and how he says it. That's why I do not believe in the classification of good or bad works.
I insist that all are expressions, eruptions of feelings that are born and live eternally in the pulse of the author ... "
English speaker: Si
Participation Date: Apr 03 2018