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Artist Works
ship of babel
Category: Checkered
Condition: On display
Category: Checkered
Condition: On display
Category: Checkered
Condition: On display
relentless old age
Category: Engravings
Condition: On display
Biography: Painting occupies my most important creative world, since I was a child.
My paintings are genuine, even if influences are sought or found.
Through painting, I transfer my individual and collective conscious and subconscious.
I use different techniques, on different textures.
Painting serves as a catharsis for me and at the same time I find the harmony, balance and serenity that my world needs.
I have exhibited anthological work at the Jesus Otero museum in 2012. and online at Artelista and Esglaiart in 2022.
English speaker: Si
Participation Date: October 11 2022