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Downtown, plasticine, 70x50x20 cm

Downtown, plasticine, 70x50x20 cm
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Alexey Mikulin
Speaks English

"Downtown, plasticine, 70x50x20 cm"

Downtown, plasticine, 70x50x20 cm

Original work, Mixed Media Materials, Unique piece

Artwork on display

Summary of the original work

Materials Mixed Media
Sizes: 70 cm wide x 20 cm high.
Year: 2015
This installation (70x50x25 cm) made of plasticine depicts streets and houses of a little town, its monuments and backyards, cafes and shops, and inhabitants: a photographer is shooting a bride and a groom coming out of the city hall, women are chatting while drinking coffee on the terrace, a housewife is choosing vegetables in the shop, a bookseller is dozing over his books ... It is fun to look at the installation from the four sides (since it does not have proper front or back) and find more and more little and smart details.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

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Published in Artenet since: May 08, 2018

  • Details of the original work

    Materials Mixed Media
    Sizes: 70 cm x 20 cm.
    Year Created: 2015

    Style / Topic

    Theme: Architecture


    This installation (70x50x25 cm) made of plasticine depicts streets and houses of a little town, its monuments and backyards, cafes and shops, and inhabitants: a photographer is shooting a bride and a groom coming out of the city hall, women are chatting while drinking coffee on the terrace, a housewife is choosing vegetables in the shop, a bookseller is dozing over his books ... It is fun to look at the installation from the four sides (since it does not have proper front or back) and find more and more little and smart details.


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Artist: Alexey Mikulin
Downtown, plasticine, 70x50x20 cm
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Downtown, plasticine, 70x50x20 cm
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