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Maria Grau Salo.
"Gaudinianes roses - Gaudinianas rosadas - Pink Gaudinianas"
Gaudinianes roses - Pink Gaudinianas - Pink Gaudinianas
Price: 250 €
Summary of the original work
Year: 2.022
Work inspired by the modernist artistic movement. Within the series of works inspired by the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí, the pure and intense colours of these Gaudinianas bring us closer to the joy of Creation.
In the series of works inspired by the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí, the pure and intense colors of these Gaudinians bring us closer to the jewel of Creation.
In the series of works inspired by the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí, the pure and intense colors of these Gaudinians are appropriate to the joy of Creation.
***Digital print of 45 X 60 cm. Award to Visual Korner (Barcelona) on Giclée Perla Pro paper. Series of 30 specimens signed by the author.
*** Digital printing of 30 X 40 cm. Award to Visual Korner (Barcelona) on Giclée Perla Pro paper. Series of 40 copies, signed by the author.
In the series of works inspired by the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí, the pure and intense colors of these Gaudinians bring us closer to the jewel of Creation.
In the series of works inspired by the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí, the pure and intense colors of these Gaudinians are appropriate to the joy of Creation.
***Digital print of 45 X 60 cm. Award to Visual Korner (Barcelona) on Giclée Perla Pro paper. Series of 30 specimens signed by the author.
*** Digital printing of 30 X 40 cm. Award to Visual Korner (Barcelona) on Giclée Perla Pro paper. Series of 40 copies, signed by the author.

Original work

Certificate of Authenticity
Shipping & policies
Item location: EspanyaWorldwide shipping
Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.
Published in Artenet since: November 10, 2024
Last updated: November 16, 2024
Last updated: November 16, 2024
Details of the original work
Year Created: 2.022Style / Topic
Theme:- Abstract
- Architecture
Work inspired by the modernist artistic movementDescription
Within the series of works inspired by the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí, the pure and intense colours of these Gaudinianas bring us closer to the joy of Creation.
In the series of works inspired by the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí, the pure and intense colors of these Gaudinians bring us closer to the jewel of Creation.
In the series of works inspired by the modernist architect Antoni Gaudí, the pure and intense colors of these Gaudinians are appropriate to the joy of Creation.
***Digital print of 45 X 60 cm. Award to Visual Korner (Barcelona) on Giclée Perla Pro paper. Series of 30 specimens signed by the author.
*** Digital printing of 30 X 40 cm. Award to Visual Korner (Barcelona) on Giclée Perla Pro paper. Series of 40 copies, signed by the author.
Item location: Espanya
Ships to- Spain
- Everyone
Shipping Spain: 0 EUR
Shipping costs World:Contact artistDispatch time:
Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.

Shop "Gaudinianes roses - Gaudinianas rosadas - Pink Gaudinianas"
Price: 250 EUR
Price: 250 EUR
If you are interested or want more information about this work, please contact "Maria Grau Saló" (ARTEnet will receive a copy of the message).
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Shipment details
Item location: Espanya
Ships to
Shipping Spain: 0 EUR
Ships to
- Spain
- Everyone
Shipping Spain: 0 EUR
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Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.Payment methods and Policies
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