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unpredictable look
Condition: On sale
Smiling and sad look
Condition: On sale
Complacent look
Condition: On sale
Sad look
Condition: On sale
look of stupor
Condition: On sale
inquisitive look
Condition: On sale
Town in blue.jpg
Condition: On sale
Bird leaf.jpg
Condition: On sale
Deer in the fog2-Sketch3-Very tall.jpg
Condition: On sale
Women at an exhibition
Condition: On sale
Biography: Born in 1953 in the province of Córdoba - Spain - my father was a photographer and at six I helped him develop photos in B&W. I have worked as a photography professional for more than 50 years for large Spanish, Italian and French companies. I have done advertising and nature photography, I have won numerous awards in national and international photography contests, the first of them when I was only fifteen years old.
I have had up to nine photography stores, all of them with analog and digital photo laboratories. In 2001 I was the first person to propose and implement digital development through the Internet, something I put into practice the following year with great success.
Currently retired and dedicating my time to the digital recreation of my image catalog and astronomical photography.
English speaker: Si
Participation Date: 10 May 2024