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Artist Works
Cave Canem
Category: Crafts
Condition: On sale
Frida Kalho
Category: Crafts
Condition: On sale
Jerusalem Mosaic (Skyline)
Category: Crafts
Condition: On sale
Category: Crafts
Condition: On sale
Biography: Sofía Fontán was born in Mérida where, surrounded by Roman culture since childhood, she began working with mosaics in 1996 through courses organized by the Popular University. Since then, what was a youth passion has become a profession.

His training was mainly carried out in the Exofficina Antea workshop (Mérida) between 1996 and 2015, where he has participated in different projects.

Since June 2017 he is a Technician in Musivaria, after obtaining the Higher Mosaic Degree at the School of Art of Seville.

In September 2017, he founded Domus Sophiae, a space for creativity and encounter around the art of mosaic and for which Sofia is the main responsible.

In recent years he has collaborated in different musivarian projects such as the reconstruction of one of the mosaics discovered in the archaeological site "Casa do Infante" Porto (Portugal).

He has experimented and worked on numerous techniques, from the Roman mosaic, to the trencandis technique, through the boulder or the opus signinum.

In April 2018, the Territorial Delegation of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment of Seville, of the Ministry of Employment, Business and Commerce of the Junta de Andalucía, recognized as a craftsman subject to Sofía Fontán Vinagre, granting him the «Letter of Craftswoman".

Domus Sophiae participated in the «XIX Creative Craft Fair of Seville» (Christmas Market 2018-2019).
English speaker: Si
Website: http://www.domussophiae.com
Participation Date: Jan 09 2020