Listings by Alex Palau
10 results - showing 1 - 10
Work inspired by the meadows and forests located in the town of Bàscara Gerundense. This work done on wooden board 120 60 cm wide X ...
Alex Palau
Contact artist
Single and Original painting painted on 120 wood board X XUMUM high width. It represents a woman seen from behind who rests looking at the Camino ...
Alex Palau
Contact artist
Work done after a performance with candles. The box 120 60 width X height, made of iron shavings, magnets and acrylic paints. At...
Alex Palau
Contact artist
Work done with natural materials, such as sawdust and mixed with other materials to give these textures and shapes. Acrylic paints, as well as different silicones give it ...
Alex Palau
Pop Art. Made with textures and iron shavings and magnets. Painted acrylic and aerosols.
Alex Palau
Relief work done containing the rising sun illuminating our souls daily with her light. It is a cult of the sun and its role within our ...
Alex Palau
Contact artist
It shows the evolution of the Human Body in the course of life and their conservation status
Alex Palau
Work painted on 120 table cm wide by 60 cm height. Made with natural materials, such as pine bark. Play with plastic paintings and ...
Alex Palau
Contact artist
Painting made with various materials such as sawdust, silicones and resins that give a different textures and colors throughout the work. Terran volcano, represented as the force ...
Alex Palau
Measures box 128 cm wide X XUMUM high. Painted on wood, with a mixture of cement and mortar, expressing different forms through ...
Alex Palau
Contact artist
10 results - showing 1 - 10