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Relief of colors
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2021 Rubén Blázquez, All rights reserved.

Ruben Blazquez

"Relieve de colores"

Relief of colors


Artwork on display

Summary of the original work

Year: 2021
All images are optimized and ready for printing on any format, be it canvas, fine art paper, photographic paper, t-shirts, cushions, etc.
The best way to decorate any corner of the house. Or, to give a gift to your partners, friends, children, parents, uncles, grandparents, etc.
I send the file in PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, depending on how the client wants.
If you are interested in having a high-quality reproduction of the work, you can contact me.
High quality image 300dpi 16bits.


All images are optimized and ready for printing on any format, be it canvas, fine art paper, photographic paper, t-shirts, cushions, etc.
The best way to decorate any corner of the house. Or, to give a gift to your partners, friends, children, parents, uncles, grandparents, etc.
I send the file in PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, depending on how the client wants it.
If you are interested in having a high quality reproduction of the work, you can contact me.
High quality image 300dpi 16bit.

Original work

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Published in Artenet since: September 20, 2021
Last updated: March 16, 2023

  • Details of the original work

    Year Created: 2021

    Style / Topic

    Theme: Abstract


    Relief of colors, it is a work done in a digital painting program on canvas and finished in Photoshop. Colors and brushstrokes, mixed with several layers of background, simulating relief and wood.


    All images are optimized and ready for printing on any format, be it canvas, fine art paper, photographic paper, t-shirts, cushions, etc.
    The best way to decorate any corner of the house. Or, to give a gift to your partners, friends, children, parents, uncles, grandparents, etc.
    I send the file in PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, depending on how the client wants.
    If you are interested in having a high-quality reproduction of the work, you can contact me.
    High quality image 300dpi 16bits.


    All images are optimized and ready for printing on any format, be it canvas, fine art paper, photographic paper, t-shirts, cushions, etc.
    The best way to decorate any corner of the house. Or, to give a gift to your partners, friends, children, parents, uncles, grandparents, etc.
    I send the file in PDF, TIFF, PNG, JPG, depending on how the client wants it.
    If you are interested in having a high quality reproduction of the work, you can contact me.
    High quality image 300dpi 16bit.
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Artist: Rubén Blázquez
Relief of colors
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Relief of colors
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