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Inner Space 3 (Inner Worlds 3)
Inner Space 3 (Inner Worlds 3)
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2020 Magdalena Morey info@magdalenamorey.com, All rights reserved.
Magdalena Morey info@magdalenamorey.com. Verified Artist
Speaks English

"Inner Space 3 (Mundos Interiores 3)"

Inner Space 3 (Inner Worlds 3)

Original work, Mixed Media on Canvas, Unique piece

Original sold

Summary of the original work

Mixed Media on Canvas
Sizes: 80 cm wide x 100 cm high.
Year: 2020
Ready to hang
The series "Inner Worlds" is a surreal look at how our internal, mental and emotional worlds blend with our physical spaces. Our streams of consciousness, dreams, ideas, and emotional states overlap with our daily physical reality. This piece, "Inner Worlds 3", represents work through life, threaded into old patterns while trying to explore new ideas.

Highly textured original artwork using a unique combination of acrylic and watercolor paints, gold leaf, and pastels on gallery wrapped canvas 3,5 cm deep. It is protected from dust and ultraviolet rays by a thin layer of varnish. The painting continues down the sides of the canvas. Ready-to-hang wiring is shipped and framing is not essential. The artwork is signed on the front and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

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Published in Artenet since: January 09, 2021
Last Updated: May 26, 2021

  • Details of the original work

    Mixed Media on Canvas
    Sizes: 80 cm x 100 cm.
    Year Created: 2020
    Ready to hang

    Style / Topic

    Style: Abstract art
    • Figures
    • Surrealism


    The series "Inner Worlds" is a surreal look at how our internal, mental and emotional worlds blend with our physical spaces. Our streams of consciousness, dreams, ideas, and emotional states overlap with our daily physical reality.


    The series "Inner Worlds" is a surreal look at how our internal, mental and emotional worlds blend with our physical spaces. Our streams of consciousness, dreams, ideas, and emotional states overlap with our daily physical reality. This piece, "Inner Worlds 3", represents work through life, threaded into old patterns while trying to explore new ideas.

    Highly textured original artwork using a unique combination of acrylic and watercolor paints, gold leaf, and pastels on gallery wrapped canvas 3,5 cm deep. It is protected from dust and ultraviolet rays by a thin layer of varnish. The painting continues down the sides of the canvas. Ready-to-hang wiring is shipped and framing is not essential. The artwork is signed on the front and comes with a certificate of authenticity.
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Fill in the following form to contact "Magdalena Morey info@magdalenamorey.com" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

Artist: Magdalena Morey info@magdalenamorey.com
Inner Space 3 (Inner Worlds 3)
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If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Magdalena Morey info@magdalenamorey.com" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

Inner Space 3 (Inner Worlds 3)
Make an offer to Magdalena Morey info@magdalenamorey.com for Inner Space 3 (Inner Worlds 3)


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