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Biography: Patricia Gremo was born in Seville, southern Spain in 1993. She grew up in Malaga near the sea, her mother was a diving instructor, so she developed a great love for exotic nature. Throughout her life, Patricia has always been fascinated by dystopia. His interest was cultivated during his adolescence through science fiction literature and cinema, where he found much of his inspiration, and was further developed when he decided to study arts at the San Telmo school of arts in Malaga.
Upon completing her studies, she discovered herself as a photographer, with subjects such as landscaping and double exposure. The images he captures during his travels are only part of his lurid imaginations. She resorts to editing methods as a way of externalizing her thoughts. She considers herself an intermediary between the real world and the imaginary one, and believes that the exchange that takes place between both worlds and the artist gives rise to infinite possibilities.
English speaker: Si
Participation Date: 13 September 2021