"Láminas personalizadas"
Custom prints
Original work, Unique piece
Price: 25 €
Summary of the original work
Year: 2021
Custom prints Create custom prints with photos. If you would like to obtain a print with which you want to feel identified or make a gift with an emotional character, we make personalized prints with your photographs and your ideas. The process consists of contacting the profile of mimundocrea (also visible on Instagram and email) commenting on the idea you have. From here we will develop the design that best suits your idea. We believe that it is vitally important to maintain communication during the design development with the client in order to obtain a satisfactory result. For delivery we have different options; send the design online in which the guidelines for getting a good impression and framing would be specified or the sending of the sheet already printed and framed.
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Original work

One of a kind Artwork
Shipping & policies
Item location: SpainShips to Spain only
Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.
Published in Artenet since: February 11, 2021
Details of the original work
Year Created: 2021Style / Topic
Theme:- Family
- Typography
Custom printsDescription
Creation of personalized sheets with photographs.
If you would like to obtain a print with which you want to feel identified or make a gift with an emotional character, we make personalized prints with your photographs and your ideas.
The process consists of contacting the profile of mimundocrea (also visible on Instagram and email) commenting on the idea you have. From here we will develop the design that best suits your idea. We believe that it is vitally important to maintain communication during design development with the client in order to obtain a satisfactory result.
For delivery we have different options; send the design online in which the guidelines for getting a good impression and framing or the sending of the sheet already printed and framed would be specified.
https://www.instagram.com/mimundocrea/?hl=es -
Item location: Spain
Ships to Spain only
Shipping Spain: 0 EUR
Dispatch time:
Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

Shop "Láminas personalizadas"
Price: 25 EUR
Price: 25 EUR
If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "mimundocrea" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).
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Shipment details
Item location: Spain
Ships to Spain only
Shipping Spain: 0 EUR
Ships to Spain only
Shipping Spain: 0 EUR
Dispatch time:
Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.Payment methods and Policies
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