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Two university towers that avans is believe arc trionfant will not be a month since they were defeated by selfies.

Two university towers that avans is believe arc trionfant will not be a month since they were defeated by selfies.
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2019 Bayón-Cerezo., All rights reserved.

Speaks English

"Dos torres universals que avans es creien arc trionfant hara no són mes que fons per a selfies d´una ciutat derrotada."

Two university towers that avans is believe arc trionfant will not be a month since they were defeated by selfies.

Original work, Unique piece

Artwork on display

Summary of the original work

Year: 2019
My work speaks of time, of the ephemeral nature, speaks of the little importance we give ourselves as individuals, of how we are surrounded by great works; whether architectural, pictorial or of any kind and as we are unable to realize, if it is not on a screen.

I photograph and give life to witnesses of everyday life, witnesses of stone who look at us steadfast and impassive to the changes of the city and to pass generations.

People travel through the life of these timeless titans as simple Nuts wandering through space.

We are unable to give importance to the facts that make up our day to day and make us people; the journey by public transport, shopping or laundry for example.

We have become machines that work in automatic mode and it only matters what you see in our social networks, that created character that is more interesting, more active and happier than us, but as empty as a reflection in a mirror.

With this series I advocate giving importance to everyday life, to look around and see the reality in which we live, surely less beautiful and tougher than we would like, but real.

Real as an analog photograph that is more than the image that captures the lens captured on an absorbent support, as an instant picture of what you see, as digital photography is nothing more than ordered data to take an image that simulates reality , will never be real, the same as that fictional life on the networks.

Bayon-cherry. This series of photographs are shot with a Hasselblad 500C with Kodak Ektar 100 reel.

Developed with Tetenal C-41 and positive with Tetenal RA-4 in Durts enlarger.

Series of ten copies of this same work.

The photograph is presented on Fuji Crystal Archive Supreme paper in measures of 18cm by 6cm, signed and sealed by the artist.

The whole process is done by the artist.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

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Published in Artenet since: September 10, 2019
Last updated: November 05, 2019

  • Details of the original work

    Year Created: 2019

    Style / Topic

    Theme: Surrealism


    My work speaks of time, of the ephemeral nature, speaks of the little importance we give ourselves as individuals, of how we are surrounded by great works; whether architectural, pictorial or of any kind and as we are unable to realize, if it is not on a screen.

    I photograph and give life to witnesses of everyday life, witnesses of stone who look at us steadfast and impassive to the changes of the city and to pass generations.

    People travel through the life of these timeless titans as simple Nuts wandering through space.

    We are unable to give importance to the facts that make up our day to day and make us people; the journey by public transport, shopping or laundry for example.

    We have become machines that work in automatic mode and it only matters what you see in our social networks, that created character that is more interesting, more active and happier than us, but as empty as a reflection in a mirror.

    With this series I advocate giving importance to everyday life, to look around and see the reality in which we live, surely less beautiful and tougher than we would like, but real.

    Real as an analog photograph that is more than the image that captures the lens captured on an absorbent support, as an instant picture of what you see, as digital photography is nothing more than ordered data to take an image that simulates reality , will never be real, the same as that fictional life on the networks.



    This series of photographs are shot with a Hasselblad 500C with Kodak Ektar 100 reel.

    Developed with Tetenal C-41 and positive with Tetenal RA-4 in Durts enlarger.

    Series of ten copies of this same work.

    The photograph is presented on Fuji Crystal Archive Supreme paper in measures of 18cm by 6cm, signed and sealed by the artist.

    The whole process is done by the artist.
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Artist: Bayón-Cerezo.
Two university towers that avans is believe arc trionfant will not be a month since they were defeated by selfies.
 Buy "Dos torres universals que avans es creien arc trionfant hara no són mes que fons per a selfies d´una ciutat derrotada."

If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Bayón-Cerezo." (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

Two university towers that avans is believe arc trionfant will not be a month since they were defeated by selfies.
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