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Artist Works
Watercolor Anne d'Orléans, title Nymph
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: Her Royal Highness, Anne d'Orléans or Ana de Orleans is Princess of France, of Orleans, Duchess Widow of Calabria and of Caserta, residing in Spain since she married in 1965 with Her Royal Highness Don Carlos de Borbón-Dos Sicilias, Duque of Calabria and Infante of Spain already deceased.

From a very young age he showed interest in painting, thanks to the love that his entire family, from five previous generations, professed towards art and culture in general and painting in particular. Watercolorist was formed by prestigious European teachers. He has exhibited in various art galleries both collectively and individually and his work can be seen permanently in museums and institutions.

A descendant of five generations linked to the world of painting, sculpture and music, Anne d'Orléans defines herself as: "self-taught and free training influenced by the educational and artistic environment", "When I discovered the possibilities of the network, and the dimension it can have, I decided to share and show the whole world what I like to do the most: painting. "

She shows us her pictorial work through this website www.annedorleans.com and social networks like Instagram @acuarelasannedorleans and also on Pinterest offers the opportunity to get to know part of her work and discover the personality of the painter as well as her career and training as an artist that begins in 1998 in favor of a Foundation.

Most of his exhibitions have always supported a social work, and almost all of them have always had a charitable objective, "it is essential to unite the world of art, culture and painting to the help of others".
English speaker: Si
Website: http://www.annedorleans.com
Participation Date: Apr 08 2020