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Artist Works
WhatsApp Image 2021 04-16-12.38.06 at PM.jpeg
Category: Drawings
Condition: On sale
Biography: I am a person whose only great wishes is that people know what I like to do, to capture my beautiful art with a pencil. go from the normal to the spectacular, that I manage to commercialize my art. Perhaps they will not be the most perfect works, but they will be those that are carried out with so much love and dedication. If I was not passionate about what I do, I would not draw every time I can. not only what I can observe, but what my imagination creates and I trace it to the field of my pencil and erase with my eraser. drawing is something that touches the bottom of the soul of any artist, more than that I would say that it is a gift that life gave me. I have participated in some contests where I have studied and this has helped me to progress more in my skills as a cartoonist. I am a girl with a desire to show what I can do
English speaker: No
Participation Date: Apr 16 2021