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Stan Ovidiu Tiberiu



Original work, Wood Materials, Unique piece

Artwork on display

Summary of the original work

Materials Wood
Sizes: 3400 cm wide x 2400 cm high.
Year: 2019
The battle of Anghiari This painting has been painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1503-1506 in a wall of the Hall of the Five hundred of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, but disappeared in 1563 at the latest, when Giorgio Vasari was entrusted with the decorative remodeling of the great living room. It has a measure approx. of 3200 / 2400 and weighs about 1000 Kg, carved in Canadian lime wood. In 1603, Peter Paul Rubens used the sketches of Leonardo and made a drawing preserved in the Louvre Museum, the most famous of those replicas of the lost fresco
It is my tribute to the great master.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

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Published in Artenet since: March 06, 2019

  • Details of the original work

    Materials Wood
    Sizes: 3400 cm x 2400 cm.
    Year Created: 2019

    Style / Topic

    Theme: Others


    The battle of Anghiari


    This painting has been painted by Leonardo Da Vinci in 1503-1506 in a wall of the Hall of the Five hundred of the Palazzo Vecchio in Florence, but it disappeared in 1563 at the latest, when Giorgio Vasari was entrusted with the decorative remodeling of the great hall. It has a measure approx. of 3200 / 2400 and weighs about 1000 Kg, carved in Canadian lime wood. In 1603, Peter Paul Rubens used the sketches of Leonardo and made a drawing preserved in the Louvre Museum, the most famous of those replicas of the lost fresco
    It is my tribute to the great master.
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Artist: Stan Ovidiu Tiberiu
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