"Gracias Gabriel"
thank you gabriel
Original work, Ceramic materials, Unique piece
Price: 400 €
Summary of the original work
Dimensions 20 cm wide x 40 cm high.
Year: 2017
Sculpture made by hand in Ceramic Stoneware. Cooked in an electric oven at 1300°C. This work is a tribute to the Archangel Gabriel because he accompanied me and whispered to me when he raised my third daughter alone. It is a work without anatomical details, since it appeals only to the concept, to a quick vision in another dimension....

Original work

One of a kind Artwork
Shipping & policies
Item location: SpainWorldwide shipping
Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.
Published in Artenet since: January 30, 2022
Details of the original work
Ceramic materials
Dimensions 20 cm x 40 cm.
Year Created: 2017Style / Topic
Theme: SpiritualitySummary
Sculpture made by hand in Ceramic Stoneware. Cooked in an electric oven at 1300°C.Description
This work is a tribute to the Archangel Gabriel because he accompanied me and whispered to me when I was raising my third daughter alone. It is a work without anatomical details, since it appeals only to the concept, to a quick vision in another dimension.... -
Item location: Spain
Postage to: Worldwide
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Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.
Shop "Gracias Gabriel"
Price: 400 EUR
Price: 400 EUR
If you are interested or want more information about this work, please contact "Marta Velasco" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).
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Shipment details
Item location: Spain
Postage to: Worldwide
Postage to: Worldwide
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Normally shipped 5-10 days since actual payment.Payment methods and Policies
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