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Artist Works
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: Mario Fernando Rodríguez (MAFER), passionate about color and emotion in each Work. He was born in the Espinal (Tolima) cradle of great composers, singers and Colombian artists. His artistic training was self-taught and over time he took private classes with plastic artists from the region. His artistic life has been influenced by the curiosities of the environment and modern changes. Defined brush strokes, abstract and free expression are present in the different works made.

Start your artistic life in 2011, where flowers, still life and bright colors, were captured on the canvas. From the 2015 MAFER presents pictures with Blur, impasto with spatula and rubbed; Providing texture and relief, allowing the observers of their paintings to perceive the strength and emotionality of each work.
English speaker: No
Website: https://www.facebook.com/mariorodriguez.mafer/
Participation Date: 23 June 2017