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Artist Works
Biography: Colorful, vitality and great sensitivity characterize the work of the artist Alexandra Galeano, born in Bogotá, Colombia at 1970. Since she was a child she remembers seeing an art encyclopedia and following the instructions to imitate what she saw in it. Study Fashion Design, career that brings you, that fascination for colors, the ability to observe, and sensitivity to shapes, contrasts and textures. This inclination leads to study with teachers of great experience in the plastic arts , for an approximate period of 10 years. His natural talent and artistic training have allowed him to create unique blends and color palettes that are clearly reflected in his works. Whether it's an abstract, landscape, still life or other, in his works he always shows his charm by the vibrant colors, his love of nature, flowers, animals and textures.
English speaker: Si
Website: http://Facebook e instagram: cuadros.modernos.colombia
Participation Date: Feb 12 2019