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Biography: Jesús Alido Madrid 1960 Data
Plastic artist and research. He was co-founder together with David Vivancos of the Department of Virtual Reality and Cyberspace of the Institute of Arts and Technologies (1994); Universidad de San Francisco de Madrid, where he worked as its academic Director in 1995. Director of the I and II MAC Contemporary Art Show (1993). He has made different artistic manifestations; performances, conceptual works, installations etc .. in countries like USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Kenya, Tanzania, India, Nepal. He exhibited the installation "skulls and oranges" at the Universal Exhibition in Seville (1992). In 1994 he wrote the project for the creation of the CANT, Center for Cybernetic Art and New Technologies, presented to Unión FENOSA. Asymptonic cyber music creator. He has been awarded different prizes for painting and digital photography (III UNED National Painting Prize). He is a professional and expert in Digital Art photography. Part of his work has been focused on Art-Science fusion, through man-machine feedback systems, through bioenergetic signals of mental interaction. Likewise, in the emission to space of bioenergetic signals that propose concepts of time and immortality. Also in the development and applications of multimedia technologies for interactives and architectures in cyberspace. In 2004 he created the first permanent virtual reality room in Spain, in the crypt of the Church of Santa Cruz de Cuenca, directing and developing the "three-dimensional world" of Cuenca "Gremios Artesanos Siglo XVI". He has collaborated as a professor of practices in the Department of Psychiatry of the Autonomous University of Madrid; specialty in Virtual Reality: Clinical and Therapeutic applications. It was together with David Vivancos, Director and Founder of Electronic Art International Productions, dedicated to the production and dissemination of Avant-garde Electronic Art. As an Artist, he is a world pioneer in the implementation of the Chromatic Aura to the semiology of Art. He has participated in international events with other world-class computational artists, Rinasciemiento Digital, Mediartech, Florence 1998. Selected in the International exhibition "El Discreto Encancanto de la Tecnología" organized by the Ministries of Culture of Spain, Germany and Brazil in the Exhibition over 50 years of Digital Art in Spain (2007-08) MEIAC. He has also given different national and international courses, workshops and conferences, focusing on Virtual Reality, Artificial Intelligence, Avatars, and Video Game and VR Technology applied to Electronic Art. Among others, he gave VR training to the National Nuclear Energy Center. One of his most representative theoretical writings was entitled "Fundamental Concepts of Digital Art for the XXI Century". He collaborates as an art critic and analyst with different magazines and specialized publications.
His latest work has been the Direction and organization of the first RetiroTaller-HurdesBatuecas with the epigraph: "Art as a Mystical Object" held at the Desierto de San José de Batuecas Monastery, Salamanca. December 2018.
As a Hispanist he has written different articles and essays, being a supporter of a holistic vision, of the era of discoveries. He is Academic Number of the Academy of La Hispanidad.
English speaker: No
Website: https://alido-com.webnode.es/
Participation Date: 13 May 2019