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Artist Works
Category: Sculptures
Condition: On sale
Biography: ORIGIN
I was born in Buenos Aires in the 60 decade, the son of Spanish immigrants, from whom I learned the value of sustained work and the study that is needed, if we want to progress in something.

ENET 26 Swiss Confederation, Title of Mechanical Technician.
UTN - National Technological University, three years of Industrial Engineering.
UBA - Architecture, Architect's Degree in 1990

During university studies, I worked related to the construction guilds in housing reforms and other temporary jobs that allowed me sustenance and independence.
From 1986 to 1990 he worked as a draftsman in the project for the "transfer of the capital to Viedma", and later as a designer in different architecture studios such as Eduardo Sacriste, Juan Carlos López and Clorindo Testa.
In 1990 I obtained the title of architect and started the independent activity designing and producing furniture for commercial premises, which allowed me to know and relate to commercial architecture.
For the 2000 year, I believe STOREDESIGN, specialized studio in architecture and corporate image, making more than 220 projects for national and international brands such as ESTEE-LAUDER / MISTRAL / MAC / CLINIQUE / PRUNE / CHISTIAN DIOR / CAFE MARTINEZ / LADY STORK / FUJI FILM / UFO, among others.

In the 2004, and parallel to my activity as an architect, I started studies in the art world and a research on water in motion as an artistic-aesthetic resource. This look and my intuition of the potential, produced my distance from architecture to initiate a path linked to art and design with water that in 2006 is concreted with LIQUIDESIGN, first studio-workshop specialized in the design and production of water walls as a realization sculptural, which allowed me to produce about two hundred pieces on request for clients from all over Argentina. And in parallel I continue studies and production in other areas of sculpture.

Summary of exhibitions, samples and competitions held:
2005 started the research and experimentation with different materials, study of forms, techniques and observation, materializing the first works, starting that year the artistic journey begins.
2006, study in the workshop of Jorge Bianchi (modeling and bronze casting)
2006 study and practice in the workshop of Mariana Berdiñas, Resins Course
2007 travel to Spain to study the work and its production in the museum-workshop of Chillida in the Basque Country
2007 studied at the CROMOS Art Center by Edgardo Madanes, workshop on morphology and interpretive methodology (theory and practice)
2008 installation "SUIT DE AGUA" at CASA FOA 2008 in Puerto de Frutos de Tigre.
2008 study and practice in the workshop of Beatriz Soto García, carving in marble and wood.
2008 contest SAAP (Soc. Arg de Artistas Plásticos), selected with "DAIRAS PLANETARIAS" (bronze and blued iron ensemble)
2009 installation "SALA REFLEJO" in CASADECOR 2010 Madrid, together with the studio of Arq. Gago Perez, carrying out several projects by order in Madrid.
2009 shows individual in the BAD (Buenos Aires Design Center) called: "BASTA DE CUADROS", exposing wall reliefs in iron and lightweight cement with inlays.
2009 individual exhibition of "Muros de agua" at the BAD (Buenos Aires Design Center).
Sculpture Contest of the Perlotti Museum: selected to exhibit with the work "EL REY"
2010 First prize with the work "EL RUEGO" in the sculpture contest of the MITRA Gallery-Contemporary Art of Buenos Aires
2011 exhibition at MOBILE in the Miami Design District, carrying out several projects within the city of Miami
2013 installed me in San Martin de los Andes, establishing a new studio-workshop to develop my two core activities, architecture and art.
2014 participated in the "Clinic of works" by Valeria Conte Mac Donell
2014 exhibition at the Municipal Exhibition Center of San Martin de los Andes with a series of 10 sculptures "Cause and effect" with technique of assembly with wood.
2015 experimental video art course at the CIART (Center for Art Initiation) in San Matín de los Andes.
2016 development of a light sculpture project called LUMIO materialized in a production workshop in "Paseo Mendoza" in Ing Maschwitz, and teaching courses on wood sculpture and assembly elements
2017 I continue my artistic activity interspersing stays between San Martin de los Andes and Buenos Aires.
2018 I moved to Málaga where I set up my workshop and taught classes. Start a series of sculptures using old wood imported from the Argentine Patagonia and recycling elements, inspired by the city and its surroundings comes this series called BARCOS ANCLANDO.

English speaker: Si
Website: http://www.jlalvarez.com.ar
Participation Date: Jul 24 2018