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Biography: |
Bio-bibliographical note:
Carlos Munoz Gonzalez. Madrid, August 4, 1968. This native of Madrid and Galician by adoption, combines his literary and artistic work with a deep love for sports, nature, human beings and everything that is strange and out of the ordinary. Points that are evident in all his work. In 2009 he published his first novel “Balbus” –Editorial Bohodón-, which was followed in 2010 by two books of poems “Poemario de labios rotos” and “Poemas de amor hucoo” –Editorial Bohodón” and in 2011, another novel –this time youthful-, “Luz de Espadas” –Ediciones Atlantis-. In recent years, he has published the collections of poems "Desde Luces Distantes", "Texturas", "Moniciones", "La tierra-carne" and "Tránsfuga" -these last three also with Bohodón-, as well as numerous collaborations in poetic anthologies and of tales. He currently shares literature, with sculpture -having already had some exhibitions in the province of Lugo-, photography -with the occasional exhibition in different locations in Madrid-, the film script and painting. |
English speaker: | Si |
Participation Date: | March 02 2023 |