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Biography: I was born in Barquisimeto - Lara, both are considered city and capital state, respectively, of music in Venezuela. It is not surprising then that from a very young age my life has been strongly influenced by music (in addition to other forms of art). The most appreciated and fun toys of my childhood were real hand tools which allowed me to acquire some manual dexterity as a child, so at the 12 years I built my first string instrument in a more or less serious attempt, although it was not until The 18 years old when I took the lutherie really seriously. Before that age I also molded with my hands and tools, materials of different kinds getting my first artistic samples and today more than ever art has become one of the highest passions of my life.
In general, my whole life has been guided by a healthy appetite for knowledge and learning, after which I hope to one day reach spiritual fulfillment. So I learned as many trades as I could, some guided by teachers and tutors to whom I will be eternally grateful and many others self-taught, I also had the opportunity to take part of an engineering career, but unfortunately I had to leave it in half for family reasons. Perhaps for all this I have always tried to communicate science with the mystical, technology with art, the theoretical with the empirical.
In a general way I can say that this is how my life has been since I remember until today: a lot of hard and dignified work, a continuous learning, inclination towards healthy living habits and a deep love and respect towards nature and all its forms of life ... ah, I almost forgot ... and art a lot of art!
English speaker: Si
Participation Date: October 30 2018