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Mexico Alberto Thirion The Earth Christ; Christ of Mexico

Mexico Alberto Thirion The Earth Christ; Christ of Mexico
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Alberto Thirion
Speaks English

" Alberto Thirion México El Cristo de la Tierra;El Cristo de México"

Mexico Alberto Thirion The Earth Christ; Christ of Mexico

Original work, Oil on Canvas, Unique piece

Original sold

Summary of the original work

Oil on canvas
Sizes: 50 cm wide x 60 cm high.
Year: 2000

Alberto Thirion Mexico
The Christ of the Earth, The Christ of Mexico
Christ on Earth, the Cristo de Mexico Canvas Oil Landscaping
Information original work

Country: Mexico
Category: Painting
Support: Canvas
Technique: Oil
Theme: Landscape
Measurements: 60 70 cm x

Tags: christ, world, oil, life

© Todos los derechos reservados

Description of work

Alberto Thirion; the most important artist of Mexico
By Mary Hetzel
Sitting on a large stone with yellow stripes, outside his workshop of stoning of precious stones in a town near the Cd.de Durango called, Col. Hidalgo, in the state of Durango. Alberto Thirion, he says, I have been carving precious stones for many years, the first stones I found in the mountains, when I dedicated myself to wood, I used to exploit my forests, and to paint I have dedicated my whole life, from Since I was a child, I have always drawn, so that time, I became an artist, or rather I continued being an artist, because what is natural is always imposed, nature can not be defeated. His dog Jerome, sounds some sounds between barks or howls of joy, as if nodding what Alberto says, the dog watches us closely, but it is not threatening, but on the contrary is friendly, although it is a dog that is scary.
We asked for the breed of the dog, the animal draws our attention, is a golden yellow dog with piercing eyes, also yellow, as his hair. Alberto says lighting a cigarette. It's a Creole dog ranch, like any other! -It is possible that this is more intelligent because I took good care of it since I was little, the same happens with children, it is a matter of not neglecting them so that they develop properly. "My contact with nature, has taught me some things, I lived for a long time in Mexico City, but I never lost contact with the field, when I was a kid, every weekend I would camp with a group of friends , now I understand how important this was in my life, not only learn from nature, you learn also from the peasants of the Indians of the country people, I certainly do not think the country people are ignorant, their ways They are different and their intelligence is different, from the people of the big cities, but nothing more. " 'Then you think, you should not study this well and write with spelling mistakes? - I am speaking in a deep sense, those are superficial things! -I know, I just want you to be a little more explicit. It's hard to explain, are things that not everyone understands that most people are just very superficial, the art teaches you to be thorough, and well as you know most people do not like art, collectors buy signatures , they do not buy art, art not know or want to know, they only understand money, commercialism is everywhere, today art is an industry mercantilism is everywhere, today art is an industry. -It will not be that you are a bit bitter, why have not you had the success you expected? -I do not understand success, in that way, I do not believe that this is to be successful, I am not so alienated by the mercantilism and values ​​imposed by a society alienated in mercantilism. 'It's not funny that a trader in precious stones talk that way? That concept traders in gems that you have, it is a matter of false stereotypes created by imaginative novelists and Hollywood producers, including dealers in precious stones are all kinds of people, but I would rather belong to kind of say; adventurers, prospectors or gemologists, ie, not people whose God is money, perhaps the silliest or streams belong to that guy you say, my stones I like first for its beauty and adventure that represents the look for besides this allows me to study and understand geology, ie the study of the earth, it's like saying, it's like a logical consequence is to understand and know mother nature. Returning to the question of art, you think about advertising and artists? -Well I think we have not stopped talking about art first, but I'll tell you what I think about advertising in art, I think that advertising is essential in the lives of artists, obviously in this case it's not a matter of vanity, It is a matter of promoting a work, so that it is known and naturally able to sell, if you do not do so, you will die of hunger. The artists, I think, should be better publicists, that system of seeking publicity, but pretending that they are not interested, it is already quite obsolete, why? Because that people, the public understands that the perfect-mind artist always looking for publicity, has to hide, as if you were doing something wrong, is not it? -I agree, only that they say that advertising that does not look like advertising is more effective. -It is possible that yes, what counts is that it is effective, no matter what type it is. "Jerome Yellow Dog Ranch, fell asleep while we talked, looks up and gives me a look, with its yellow eyes, full of understanding, then stretch and go back to sleep comfortably." -To End, Who do you think is the most important artist of Mexico? -The most important artist of Mexico, Alberto Thirion I am, of course, the second is Francisco Toledo and the third is ... as it is called? José Luis Fuentes? No, as it is called? Is called José Luis Cuevas ... . -Okay! It has always been said, "You have to preach by example."

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Published in Artenet since: January 23, 2016

  • Details of the original work

    Oil Painting on Canvas
    Sizes: 50 cm x 60 cm.
    Year Created: 2000

    Style / Topic

    Style: Figurative
    Theme: Spirituality


    Alberto Thirion Mexico
    The Christ of the Earth, The Christ of Mexico


    Alberto Thirion Mexico
    The Christ of the Earth, The Christ of Mexico
    Christ on Earth, the Cristo de Mexico Canvas Oil Landscaping
    Information original work

    Country: Mexico
    Category: Painting
    Support: Canvas
    Technique: Oil
    Theme: Landscape
    Measurements: 60 70 cm x

    Tags: christ, world, oil, life

    © Todos los derechos reservados

    Description of work

    Alberto Thirion; the most important artist of Mexico
    By Mary Hetzel
    Sitting on a large stone with yellow stripes, outside his workshop of stoning of precious stones in a town near the Cd.de Durango called, Col. Hidalgo, in the state of Durango. Alberto Thirion, he says, I have been carving precious stones for many years, the first stones I found in the mountains, when I dedicated myself to wood, I used to exploit my forests, and to paint I have dedicated my whole life, from Since I was a child, I have always drawn, so that time, I became an artist, or rather I continued being an artist, because what is natural is always imposed, nature can not be defeated. His dog Jerome, sounds some sounds between barks or howls of joy, as if nodding what Alberto says, the dog watches us closely, but it is not threatening, but on the contrary is friendly, although it is a dog that is scary.
    We asked for the breed of the dog, the animal draws our attention, is a golden yellow dog with piercing eyes, also yellow, as his hair. Alberto says lighting a cigarette. It's a Creole dog ranch, like any other! -It is possible that this is more intelligent because I took good care of it since I was little, the same happens with children, it is a matter of not neglecting them so that they develop properly. "My contact with nature, has taught me some things, I lived for a long time in Mexico City, but I never lost contact with the field, when I was a kid, every weekend I would camp with a group of friends , now I understand how important this was in my life, not only learn from nature, you learn also from the peasants of the Indians of the country people, I certainly do not think the country people are ignorant, their ways They are different and their intelligence is different, from the people of the big cities, but nothing more. " 'Then you think, you should not study this well and write with spelling mistakes? - I am speaking in a deep sense, those are superficial things! -I know, I just want you to be a little more explicit. It's hard to explain, are things that not everyone understands that most people are just very superficial, the art teaches you to be thorough, and well as you know most people do not like art, collectors buy signatures , they do not buy art, art not know or want to know, they only understand money, commercialism is everywhere, today art is an industry mercantilism is everywhere, today art is an industry. -It will not be that you are a bit bitter, why have not you had the success you expected? -I do not understand success, in that way, I do not believe that this is to be successful, I am not so alienated by the mercantilism and values ​​imposed by a society alienated in mercantilism. 'It's not funny that a trader in precious stones talk that way? That concept traders in gems that you have, it is a matter of false stereotypes created by imaginative novelists and Hollywood producers, including dealers in precious stones are all kinds of people, but I would rather belong to kind of say; adventurers, prospectors or gemologists, ie, not people whose God is money, perhaps the silliest or streams belong to that guy you say, my stones I like first for its beauty and adventure that represents the look for besides this allows me to study and understand geology, ie the study of the earth, it's like saying, it's like a logical consequence is to understand and know mother nature. Returning to the question of art, you think about advertising and artists? -Well I think we have not stopped talking about art first, but I'll tell you what I think about advertising in art, I think that advertising is essential in the lives of artists, obviously in this case it's not a matter of vanity, It is a matter of promoting a work, so that it is known and naturally able to sell, if you do not do so, you will die of hunger. The artists, I think, should be better publicists, that system of seeking publicity, but pretending that they are not interested, it is already quite obsolete, why? Because that people, the public understands that the perfect-mind artist always looking for publicity, has to hide, as if you were doing something wrong, is not it? -I agree, only that they say that advertising that does not look like advertising is more effective. -It is possible that yes, what counts is that it is effective, no matter what type it is. "Jerome Yellow Dog Ranch, fell asleep while we talked, looks up and gives me a look, with its yellow eyes, full of understanding, then stretch and go back to sleep comfortably." -To End, Who do you think is the most important artist of Mexico? -The most important artist of Mexico, Alberto Thirion I am, of course, the second is Francisco Toledo and the third is ... as it is called? José Luis Fuentes? No, as it is called? Is called José Luis Cuevas ... . -Okay! It has always been said, "You have to preach by example."
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Artist: Alberto Thirion
Mexico Alberto Thirion The Earth Christ; Christ of Mexico
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Mexico Alberto Thirion The Earth Christ; Christ of Mexico
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