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Works of Eduardo Cohen

Eduardo Cohen oil
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Eduardo Cohen oil
Eduardo Cohen oil
1989 Eduardo Cohen, All rights reserved.

Eduardo Cohen
Speaks English

"Obras de Eduardo Cohen"

Works of Eduardo Cohen

Original work, Oil on Paper, Unique piece

Price: 2,776 €

Summary of the original work

Oil on paper
Sizes: 76 cm wide x 57 cm high.
Year: 1989
Artist born in Mexico City, in 1939. He trained at the Academy of San Carlos, at Mexico City College (today University of the Americas) and drawing and painting workshops by teachers Arnold Belkin, Silva Santamaría, Antonio Rodríguez Luna and Muñoz Medina. He always considered drawing as an autonomous territory, with the same artistic dignity as painting, so he dedicated himself to this technique in an especially intense way over more than three decades. His work was full of passion, sensuality, humor, critical gaze and a repeated ironic perspective that tried to strip the objects and beings of that pompous solemnity behind which often hide other "realities" that Cohen insisted on discovering time to build Hence his inclination towards expressionist drawing as a way to choose to show reality, not as it appears to our senses but as perceived by an intensely subjective look that changes, disrupts and alters our customary conventions to express a deeply personal emotion.

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: Mexico
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: September 10, 2019
    Last updated: September 10, 2019

    • Details of the original work

      Oil Painting on Paper
      Sizes: 76 cm x 57 cm.
      Year Created: 1989

      Style / Topic

      Style: Expressionism
      Theme: Portraits


      We have discounts of up to 20% with free shipping, depending on the work.


      Artist born in Mexico City, in 1939. He trained at the Academy of San Carlos, at Mexico City College (today University of the Americas) and drawing and painting workshops by teachers Arnold Belkin, Silva Santamaría, Antonio Rodríguez Luna and Muñoz Medina. He always considered drawing as an autonomous territory, with the same artistic dignity as painting, so he dedicated himself to this technique in an especially intense way over more than three decades. His work was full of passion, sensuality, humor, critical gaze and a repeated ironic perspective that tried to strip the objects and beings of that pompous solemnity behind which often hide other "realities" that Cohen insisted on discovering time to build Hence his inclination towards expressionist drawing as a way to choose to show reality, not as it appears to our senses but as perceived by an intensely subjective look that changes, disrupts and alters our customary conventions to express a deeply personal emotion.
    • Shipping:

      Item location: Mexico
      Postage to: Worldwide
      Shipping costs World:Contact artist

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.
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    Artist: Eduardo Cohen
    Works of Eduardo Cohen
     Buy "Obras de Eduardo Cohen"
    Price: 2,776 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Eduardo Cohen" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    Works of Eduardo Cohen
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    Original price: € 2,776 or Best Offer


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    Shipment details

    Item location: Mexico
    Postage to: Worldwide

    Dispatch time:

    Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

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