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Olivia Caballero González.
"Vacunando con Educación"
Vaccinating with Education
Original, - Charcoal
- Graphite
- Pencil
- Marker
on Paper, Unique piece
Price: 180 €
Summary of the original work
- Charcoal
- Graphite
- Pencil
- Marker
Dimensions 29,5 cm wide x 21 cm high.
Year: 2020
Vaccinating with Education "Pencil and marker on white Canson paper 90gr A4
The world seems to revolve around the COVID vaccine, but for gender-based violence (and for so many things) there is one already invented called EDUCATION and it is available to everyone.
"Vaccinating with Education" Pencil and marker on white Canson paper 90gr A4
The world seems to revolve around the COVID vaccine, but for gender-based violence (and for so many things) there is one already invented called EDUCATION and it is available to everyone.
This drawing is the last one I made before my intervention. I have tried to close all commitments and this was with myself, as every year, for the 25N.
What does this work represent? Supplication, gratitude, despair, suffering, relief, hope ...? Opposing feelings that are part of the same process in the fight against gender violence.
Education is the real vaccine; the one that will eradicate this virus that has been among us for so many years and continues to claim victims: physical and mental.
Those of you who know me, you already know that I work as a "crush": if I like something, sooner or later I make it mine. That is what happened to me with this photograph of Cándido Ruiz (@candidoruizrodriguez) whom I nicknamed "the thief of souls." Although it is true that her work is wonderful, the protagonist of the image, the actress Eva Quirós (@eva__quiros), does not make it difficult at all. It is more: she is soul; a walking aura. The ability to convey emotions is a gift that is not available to all actors no matter how hard they work: emotions cannot be learned.
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# artoftheday🎨 #quarentinemood #instaarts # 25n #moodyportrait #pencilportrait #blackandwhite_art #blackandwhitedrawing #mydraw # díainternacionalcontralaviolenciadegenre #niunamenos #noesno #violenciadegenero #violencia #artesolidario #solidaridad #igualdadempoderamiento #solidaridad #igualdadempoderademporada #empowermentwomenwered
The world seems to revolve around the COVID vaccine, but for gender-based violence (and for so many things) there is one already invented called EDUCATION and it is available to everyone.
"Vaccinating with Education" Pencil and marker on white Canson paper 90gr A4
The world seems to revolve around the COVID vaccine, but for gender-based violence (and for so many things) there is one already invented called EDUCATION and it is available to everyone.
This drawing is the last one I made before my intervention. I have tried to close all commitments and this was with myself, as every year, for the 25N.
What does this work represent? Supplication, gratitude, despair, suffering, relief, hope ...? Opposing feelings that are part of the same process in the fight against gender violence.
Education is the real vaccine; the one that will eradicate this virus that has been among us for so many years and continues to claim victims: physical and mental.
Those of you who know me, you already know that I work as a "crush": if I like something, sooner or later I make it mine. That is what happened to me with this photograph of Cándido Ruiz (@candidoruizrodriguez) whom I nicknamed "the thief of souls." Although it is true that her work is wonderful, the protagonist of the image, the actress Eva Quirós (@eva__quiros), does not make it difficult at all. It is more: she is soul; a walking aura. The ability to convey emotions is a gift that is not available to all actors no matter how hard they work: emotions cannot be learned.
You can
# artoftheday🎨 #quarentinemood #instaarts # 25n #moodyportrait #pencilportrait #blackandwhite_art #blackandwhitedrawing #mydraw # díainternacionalcontralaviolenciadegenre #niunamenos #noesno #violenciadegenero #violencia #artesolidario #solidaridad #igualdadempoderamiento #solidaridad #igualdadempoderademporada #empowermentwomenwered

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity
Shipping & policies
Item location: SpainWorldwide shipping
Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.
Published in Artenet since: January 07, 2021
Details of the original work
- Charcoal
- Graphite
- Pencil
- Marker
Dimensions 29,5 cm x 21 cm.
Year Created: 2020Style / Topic
Theme:- Figures
- Portraits
Vaccinating with Education "Pencil and marker on white Canson paper 90gr A4
The world seems to revolve around the COVID vaccine, but for gender-based violence (and for so many things) there is one already invented called EDUCATION and it is available to everyone.
"Vaccinating with Education" Pencil and marker on white Canson paper 90gr A4
The world seems to revolve around the COVID vaccine, but for gender-based violence (and for so many things) there is one already invented called EDUCATION and it is available to everyone.
This drawing is the last one I made before my intervention. I have tried to close all commitments and this was with myself, as every year, for the 25N.
What does this work represent? Supplication, gratitude, despair, suffering, relief, hope ...? Opposing feelings that are part of the same process in the fight against gender violence.
Education is the real vaccine; the one that will eradicate this virus that has been among us for so many years and continues to claim victims: physical and mental.
Those of you who know me, you already know that I work as a "crush": if I like something, sooner or later I make it mine. That is what happened to me with this photograph of Cándido Ruiz (@candidoruizrodriguez) whom I nicknamed "the thief of souls." Although it is true that her work is wonderful, the protagonist of the image, the actress Eva Quirós (@eva__quiros), does not make it difficult at all. It is more: she is soul; a walking aura. The ability to convey emotions is a gift that is not available to all actors no matter how hard they work: emotions cannot be learned.
You can
# artoftheday🎨 #quarentinemood #instaarts # 25n #moodyportrait #pencilportrait #blackandwhite_art #blackandwhitedrawing #mydraw # díainternacionalcontralaviolenciadegenre #niunamenos #noesno #violenciadegenero #violencia #artesolidario #solidaridad #igualdadempoderamiento #solidaridad #igualdadempoderademporada #empowermentwomenwered -
Item location: Spain
Postage to: Worldwide
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Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

Shop "Vacunando con Educación"
Price: 180 EUR
Price: 180 EUR
If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Olivia Caballero González" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).
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Item location: Spain
Postage to: Worldwide
Postage to: Worldwide
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Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.Payment methods and Policies
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