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Listings by Horacio Alejandro Cepeda

4 results - showing 1 - 4  
nina : it is a work inspired by the jazz musical by Nina Simone and what her melodies and that unique voice produce in me...
Horace Alejandro Cepeda
€ 350 EUR
Barcazas work, when I work between abstract forms, I walk a path where you walk through various shapes, colors and textures until you reach a place where you stop and say...
Horace Alejandro Cepeda
€ 450 EUR
Work made between jego of colors selected from photographic shots and geometric shapes
Horace Alejandro Cepeda
€ 500 EUR
neo cloud
neo cloud is a digital photographic abstraction made on a photo taken from an airplane and digitally processed
Horace Alejandro Cepeda
€ 650 EUR
4 results - showing 1 - 4