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Listings by Saúl Alija Morán

4 results - showing 1 - 4  
Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León
A profile on a social network on the internet, the sale of the body, of what we are, the materiality that makes us.
Saul Alija Moran
€ 4500 EUR
A married couple, hand in hand, seen from the distance of what fits behind the cut-out window of a tractor, a paradigm of the countryside. A hotel establishment, iconic for a generation –that of Saúl Alija-, renting, the world of throwaway, which is perhaps the way
A married couple, hand in hand, seen from the distance of what fits behind the cut-out window of a tractor, a paradigm of the countryside.
Saul Alija Moran
€ 4500 EUR
Ethnographic Museum of Castilla y León.jpeg
A hotel establishment, iconic for a generation –that of Saúl Alija-, renting, the world of throwaways, which is perhaps the most subtle way of trading with...
Saul Alija Moran
€ 3000 EUR
"The revolution of love begins with a smile".
Saul Alija Moran
€ 2000 EUR
4 results - showing 1 - 4