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Listings by Salvador Blanco Casalìns

4 results - showing 1 - 4  
publik texturart
publik texturart, recent exhibition of my works that make assemblies and mixed
Salvador Blanco Casalins
€ 500 EUR
publik texturart
publik texturart, recent exhibition of my works that make assemblies and mixed
Salvador Blanco Casalins
€ 500 EUR
publik texturart
PUBLIK TEXTURART, is the most recent exhibition that combines hardware or elements in the works that play with a background to form an essential part of the work itself
Salvador Blanco Casalins
Contact artist
PUBLIK TEXTURART, is the latest art exhibition where I include abstract and surrealist paintings and sculptures where the smithy assembly elements are part of the paint ...
Salvador Blanco Casalins
€ 500 EUR
4 results - showing 1 - 4