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Artist Works
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Abstract LANDSCAPE- 92x73cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
HEART- 80x80cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
TERRALS- 110x75cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
GIRL POP- 92x73cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
FRIDA- 81x65cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
MAGDALENA- Print on canvas- 70x70cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
MISS RIBBON- 100x81cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
MARIKA- 100x81cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
SABINE- 100x81cm
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: I define myself as a self-taught artist passionate about painting and its different styles.

The support that I like the most to represent my art is the canvas already mounted, although I also paint on canvas without its frame as a support. As for the technique, I have a predilection for acrylic; I am passionate about the possibilities it offers, and the final results resulting from the combination of colors and also those of the different textures.

I attach great importance to the final aesthetics. Aesthetic beauty is important to me but it is even more important for the canvas to move the viewer by contemplating the resulting colors. The canvas must fulfill its essential mission, which is none other than to communicate and transfer from the canvas to the soul of its viewer what the artist feels. That is why I believe in the great energy and strength of a work through its colors.

In recent times I have been opting for figuration so it is capable of transmitting an expression, and within this style my predilection is to paint "faces" as I call them, as well as flowers, combining these two in the same work.

I have taken art courses at the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris and a Master in "Management and Appreciation of Contemporary Art", specifically about the art of the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

I would not be able to define myself in a style since I enjoy and I have the need to give life to all of them in the canvases. Yes there is a common denominator in all of them, the vivid color.

At the national level I have exhibited in art galleries in Madrid, Denia, Ibiza, Sabadell or Calpe; in the town hall of Benidorm; in the House of Culture of Alfaz and Campello; in Valencia or at the Kleinscheuder Foundation in Alfaz del Pi.

I have also exhibited in Europe, specifically in Paris, Milan and Vienna.
English speaker: Si
Website: http://www.instagram.com/marita_a_guardia
Participation Date: Feb 03 2016