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Biography: Muchi has a degree in sculpture graduated from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina; from the 2011. His sculptural work poses installations of large scales and a strong commitment to the recycling of materials. At the same time, he intensively explores painting in search of infinite colors and contrasts proposed in his spots. He also studies the possibilities offered by performance and music as a more intimate and bodily expression.

Artistic Production:

2015: Exhibition of sculptures and paintings at the Maria Elena Kravetz Art Gallery, Merit Gran Hotel Victoria, pedestrian 25 May 240, Córdoba, Argentina.
Individual exhibition of paintings; "Spotting", in Astronotus Art Gallery, Belgrano 1017, B ° Guemes.
2012: "La Piel" Eco-installation in the Cultural Center Casa de Cucuino in the Mini Contemporary Cycle, curator Juan Juares and in the Cultural Center Spain Córdoba, within the cycle "Oscillating Electies", curated by Romina Castiñeira.
2011: I developed my Sculpture Thesis in the exhibition hall of the Cepia Pavilion, Ciudad Universitaria, Córdoba; ¨TRANS-FORMA¨ with the exhibition of ¨Piel de Tornado¨, project selected by the Cepia Abierto 2011 competition.
2009 / 2010: Installation. THIRST. Cycle of interventions ¨ ParaisosIndoors ¨, Cultural Center Spain Córdoba.
2008: Exhibition of the Installation The only permanent thing is the change, in the Fountain of the patio of the Mexican pavilion of the faculty of philosophy and humanities of the national faculty of Córdoba, university city.
2007: Urban intervention. LOVE IS WAITING FOR YOU. Tour of the Jesuit block, center of Cordoba, Argentina.


2015: 2 ANNIVERSARY Contest and Collective Exhibition of Chacabuco Moron 483, "Plumage" pre-selected work.
"XXIII HALL OF PLASTIC ARTS CITY OF VILLA CARLOS PEACE". Conference room Gob Roca and Bv. Illia. Work "Pasto".
He participated in the 2 ° Cycle of Body, Music and Poetry organized by Preña Mutosi, with the action: "Dar el Paso", in Casa Taller, Ramírez de Velazco 957, Bº Ducasse, Córdoba.
He participated in "The Mystery of the Oyster" with the video "Bailar y llorar" for the VIDEOARTECA SECCIONAL CÓRDOBA, at Casa Taller, Ramírez de Velazco 957, Bº Ducasse, Córdoba.
2014: Participated in the Workshop / Performance Lab at the Cultural Center Spain Córdoba, with the video "Ecoladrillos Project" and the action "Constructing Ecoladrillos".
Participation in the exhibition "Celestial Attack" with the video "Lo Puro", 1,44'. Staff of the Moro, Bv. Chacabuco 483 Córdoba Capital.
2012: Participation in the show "PANORAMA" with "El Cardo" and "Niña Índigo" in the space HABLA Contemporáneo, Fructuoso Rivera 257, Córdoba, Argentina
2008: Participation in the collective exhibition "Ideas in Space". Work: ¨ I want to see you in my heaven ¨. Subsuelo Pabellón Argentina, Córdoba, Argentina. Participation in the Biannual Sculpture Hall, Domingo José Martínez Prize. Work: El Cardo. Museum of Fine Arts Bonfiglioli, Villa María.
2007: participation in the XXIX Hall and Prize city of Córdoba, art object 2007, with Cortada 1 and Cortada 2. Cultural Center Cabildo de la Cuidad, Córdoba, Argentina
Website: https://www.facebook.com/muchiartista/
Participation Date: March 16 2017