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mysterious forms that give diverse rare sensations

mysterious forms that give diverse rare sensations
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2016-2020 carlos sanches salamanca, All rights reserved.

Carlos Sanches Salamanca

"formas misteriosas que dan sensaciones raras diversas"

mysterious forms that give diverse rare sensations

Original work, Unique piece

Price: 34 €

Summary of the original work

Year: 2016-2020
My viewers will be hypnotic rather than quickly fascinated by the movements according to those who commented on this discovery. VALUE MY OBJECTIVE IS NOT TO EXHIBIT AND ALREADY MY OBJECTIVE IS TO GO BEYOND THAT THEY SEE WHAT I AM ABLE THAT FOR ME IS NOT TO EXHIBIT AND ALREADY THE OBJECTIVE clarification! They would pass many interesting when they contemplate my works that are not creative! Imagine that someone is interested in what he saw in a museum and wants to know about my techniques for making innovative video games, because I think this applies to video games if I do because if I please a video game with these oddities with real movements I would not hesitate to compile it I entered or arrived at levels the main reason the curiosity to meet these oddities with real movements! That for me is more than enough reason, and so for the rest! Having already accidentally discovered techniques or ways I must continue I had many creations and have skills that I have developed and I can not back down right? then to do 25 more it would take me between 2 to 3 months .. THANK YOU MY OTHER ME PLEASE HELP EXHIBIT THESE ILLUSTRATIONS TO NOT MISS. STOP ALWAYS

Transformed Matrix Realities

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Shipping & policies

  • Item location: colombia -bogota
  • Worldwide shipping
  • Normally shipped 1 working day since actual payment.

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    Published in Artenet since: February 19, 2020

    • Details of the original work

      Year Created: 2016-2020

      Style / Topic

      Theme: Abstract


      these works are not made with creativity these works are discoveries


      My viewers will be hypnotic rather than quickly fascinated by the movements according to those who commented on this discovery. VALUE MY OBJECTIVE IS NOT TO EXHIBIT AND ALREADY MY OBJECTIVE IS TO GO BEYOND THAT THEY SEE WHAT I AM ABLE THAT FOR ME IS NOT TO EXHIBIT AND ALREADY THE OBJECTIVE clarification! They would pass many interesting when they contemplate my works that are not creative! Imagine that someone is interested in what he saw in a museum and wants to know about my techniques for making innovative video games, because I think this applies to video games if I do because if I please a video game with these oddities with real movements I would not hesitate to compile it I entered or arrived at levels the main reason the curiosity to meet these oddities with real movements! That for me is more than enough reason, and so for the rest! Having already accidentally discovered techniques or ways I must continue I had many creations and have skills that I have developed and I can not back down right? then to do 25 more it would take me between 2 to 3 months .. THANK YOU MY OTHER ME PLEASE HELP EXHIBIT THESE ILLUSTRATIONS TO NOT MISS. STOP ALWAYS

      Transformed Matrix Realities
    • Shipping:

      Item location: colombia -bogota
      Postage to: Worldwide
      Shipping costs World:Contact artist

      Dispatch time:

      Normally shipped 1 working day since actual payment.
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    Artist: Carlos Sanches Salamanca
    mysterious forms that give diverse rare sensations
     Buy "formas misteriosas que dan sensaciones raras diversas"
    Price: 34 EUR

    If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "carlos sanches salamanca" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).

    mysterious forms that give diverse rare sensations
    Make an offer to carlos sanches salamanca for mysterious ways that give different sensations
    Original price: € 34 or Best Offer


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    Item location: colombia -bogota
    Postage to: Worldwide

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    Normally shipped 1 working day since actual payment.

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