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Artist Works
Biography: Born in Salta (Argentina) in 1955. He resides in Tucuman (Argentina) from 1965.
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting), UNT (1986), Argentina. Professional Artist Diploma Internat.,
AICOA, Barcelona, ​​Spain.
Patron of culture, Gran Canaria, Spain - Socia the SAAP, Buenos Aires, Arg -... Partner of Tech. Cultural Firenze-Europa "Mario Conti" (Florence, Italy).
Member of the International Academy of Modern Art in Rome (Italy). Partner of ACEA'S., Barcelona (Spain). Jury National Salon Foundation Tiempo de Compartir. Work in permanence ACEA'S., Barcelona (Spain). Coordinator of Free Workshops and National and International Exhibitions (activities developed by 1987).

His works are in official institutions and private collections in Argentina, Chile, Spain and Italy.
In Museums: MACLA, La Plata, Arg.- Poet Museum "Javier de la Rosa", Canary Islands - Lliteras Museum, Balearic Islands.

Abbreviated Artistic Curriculum:

• Coauthor Lº "Plastic Artists Contemporaries" - ISBN 978-987-1527-62-5 - Bs As .: Edit.. croquis 2012.-

• 39ª International Fair of the book (2013), Stand Secret. Cult. Pcia. Salta - Bs.As

• Co-author Lº "Contemporary Plastic Artists II" - ISBN 978-987-1527-76-2 - Bs. As .: Edit. Sketch 2014.-

Awards: - Abroad: 2007: MECENAS DE LA CULTURA, "Javier De La Rosa" Museum (Gran Canaria, Spain) .- 2005: XXIII "FIRENZE-EUROPA" PRIZE (Florence, Italy) .2001: Diploma of the Jury Hall "Hommage a qui nous ont quites, St. Amand Montrond, (France). - 1999: Merit Award, 3º Brindisi Rowing Trophy, Europ 'Art Group, Ferrara, (Italy). - Honorable Mention Vº ACEA'S International Show, Barcelona, ​​(Spain). - Premi della Presidenza: Premi de la Cultura "Medusa Aurea Trophy", Romania Museum, Rome, (Italy). In Argentina: 2007: "Alto Perfil" Trophy, (Salta) - 1999: 1st Prize "Painting with Neruda", Embassy of Chile in Buenos Aires. - 1996: Honorable Mention, Painting Biennial, Buenos Aires - 2da. Mention IIº Hall Buenos Aires, Ctro Fortabat. - 1st Prize House of Culture of Versailles, Buenos Aires.

Exhibitions: 2016: Exhibition "Confluences" Museo Casa Arias Rengel, Salta - 2015: NOA to Patagonia, Llao Llao, Bariloche - Vº Hall in Tribute to Women, Space Art, Tucumán - Fair Art La Plata, MACLA, La Plata , Buenos Aires -.. VIº APT Painting Exhibition for Human Rights, Timoteo Navarro Museum, Tuc. - XXXVIII Trophy Medusa Aurea, Rome (Italy) - "3Meses in Tucuman" Space Art, Tuc. - Plastic Artists Contemporaries II - CCBorges, CABA - II Fair Arts & Crafts, Art Space, Tuc. - 2014: Arts & Crafts Fair, Space Art, Tuc.- Gallery Nights, 10 Art Space, CABA - XXXVII Trophy Medusa Aurea, Rome (Italy) - IVº Hall in Tribute to Women, Space Art, Tuc. - NOA to Patagonia, Llao Llao Hotel, Bariloche - 2013: "2 Months in Tucuman Area Art and Hotel Tucuman Center, Tuc. - "Plastic artists
(sheet 2) Continuac .: CV abbrev. Lic. Patricia del Valle Abdala

Contemporaries ", CCBorges, CABA - 8ª. ArteSalta Fair, Salta - 22º Anniversary Acupuncture Service - Hosp. Avellaneda, Tuc. - "Artists Plást. Contemp. "In La Manzana de las Luces, CABA - IIIº Hall in
Tribute to Women, Espacio Arte, Tuc. - "Artists Plást. Contemp. "In the Apple of Lights, CABA - 2012: II ° Hall in Tribute to Women, Espacio Arte, Tucumán. -2011: APA, Hosp. Avellaneda, Tucumán - 6ª. ARTESALTA Fair, Salta - Braque Gallery, Bs. As. - Gallery
Braque, Pinamar, Buenos Aires - Living in "Homage to Women", Art Space, Tucuman - Room Illustrated Poem, Space Art, TUCUMAN 2010.... Gallery Notre Dame, Buenos Aires - "85 years in the art, SAAP, Bs.As. - Opening 2010 Hall Small Format, SAAP, Buenos Aires - 2009.. Hospital N. Avellaneda, Tuc, Arg - 2008.. Space Arts, SM deTuc. -2007: Gallery "The Palace" (Salta) - Hotel Tucuman Center (SM de Tucumán) -2006: XXIV Firenze-Europa Prize (Florence, Italy) - Economic Federation of Tucuman, Tuc. (Arg.) - Expo 2006, Rural Society of Tucumán, Tuc. (Arg.) - Club de Campo "Abril", Hudson, Berazategui, Buenos Aires Province 2004: Hostería Lunahuana (Tafi del Valle), Tuc, Arg -Museo House Padilla: "Homage International Women's Day..... "Tuc.-2003: Pcial Museum. "Timoteo Navarro" Fine Arts Tucuman (Argentina). - Cultural Center "Eugenio F. Virla" Tucuman (Argentina). - Room "La Gaceta" Termas de Río Hondo. - Cultural Center of the City, San Miguel de Tucuman. - Ist International Exhibition Petits Formats, Barcelona (Spain). - 1ª Fair NOA, "Tucumán Art", Tech. Cult. Virla, Tuc, Arg - Hotel Metropol, Tuc, Arg - 2002.... XXV edition Trophy Medusa Aurea, Rome (Italy). - 2001: Espais d'Art ACEA'S, Barcelona. - Obras Sanitarias de Tucuman, Argentina. - XXIX Salon International Du Val D'Or, Meillant (France). - L'Art et la Ville, Cinquantenaire Hall, St. Chamond (France). - Exposition in qui nous ont Hommage to take off, St. Amand Montrond (France). - 2000: 6º International Exhibition ACEA'S, Bergara Sala, Barcelona (Spain). - XXIII Edition Trophy Medusa Aurea, Rome (Italy). - 1999: XXII Edition Trophy Medusa Aurea, Museum of Romania, Rome (Italy). - Tribute to Goethe, Frankfurt (Germany). - V International Exhibition ACEA'S, Barcelona - Trophy Remo Brindisi, Ferrara (Italy). - Castle Wall Rubielos, Teruel (Spain).

Website: http://patricia-abdala3.webnode.es/
Participation Date: 07 May 2017