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Piero LeBufi is the artist behind Piero LeBufi Collection. However, he doesn't consider himself an artist, he is an explorer who explores art through color and this is what he has named Chromart. Piero comes up with ideas or perspectives enveloping colorful contrasts to show everyone how can life be expressed in these different colors. 

Piero LeBufi Collection hopes to expand around the world his view on this particular style of artistic expression. You may or you may not like his paintings, but he incites everyone to observe and admire the color that surrounds your everyday life. Some colors might cheer you up, while others might bring you down. This contrast in the world around us and his paintings themselves try to make you aware of the huge impact color has on us.
English speaker: Si
Website: https://pierolebuficollect.wixsite.com/colour
Participation Date: August 09 2017