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Artist Works
The big Apple
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Yellow roses
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
I remember Morocco
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Dishware Cartuja
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Fruit basket
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Still 2
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
1 bodegon
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Still Life with Apples
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Still Blue
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Still life and necklace
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale

Laudelino Pino Diaz, 19-8 born-55 in Marquiz de Alba (Zamora), small village of land located between Carbajales bread and Tabara.
After going to school already knowing the people I read taught by his father, he conducts studies degree at the Institute of Zamora Claudio Moyano residing in the Jesuits where he also started studying professor of EGB.
He finished his studies as a professor at the University of Salamanca where he also started medicine.
Military chance of drawing leads to Córdoba where does the military camp.
Already, with destination in Seville, and being in the military, he approves the exams with the number 3 in the specialty of sciences obtaining a place in the Almotamid school while continuing his medical studies at the Hispalense university.
Currently he teaches at the CEIP Andalusia Camas.
He has made trips to the south of Portugal, France and Italy, always for cultural reasons.
Recent summers has participated in summer courses of Our Lady of Albarracín Foundation in collaboration with the Complutense University of Madrid taught by the professor and his deputies Carralero the wheel, Guillermo, Lourdes and Paloma teachers.
For his palette became more than 1500 paintings, some unfinished, others 600 sold and other collections such as the Duchess Exma Doña Cayetana de Alba and Caja Spain.
He has been interviewed in newspapers, radio or TV and Canal Sur in the program '' at home '' Domi del Postigo directing.
He has made several performances in exhibition openings, some as unique as the Antares 2006, even painting with his blood recorded live, as a symbol and denounce the current situation of social injustice, on the occasion of immigrants who died when they pretended jump the fence of Ceuta and widely spread by the newspaper El Mundo.

• Zamora. Individual in:
or Caja Spain
o Hall of the La Alhóndiga deputation
or Galeria Cache
or 36 space.
• Sevilla:
or Museum of Fine Arts selected in competition work.
or City Hall selected in competition for work.
or Chicarreros Caja San Fernando Room for selected 37º national painting contest (12 / 1996) work.
or Central Hispanic Bank.
or Bar.
or House of Columns.
or Congress and Exhibition in Seville Art.
or Club Antares, several times.
or Real Círculo Mercantil Seville, several times.
o Gallery Tavern Ánima.
o Marco Gallery and other exhibitions.
or House of the Province. Diputación de Sevilla. June to July 2016.
or house Castilla y Leon. February-March 2017
• Barcelona:
or Art Barcelona.
• Santander:
or Art Santander
• Valladolid:
or J&C Art Gallery
• Montepellier (France):
or collectively.
• New York:
o Collective with gallery Art Gallery of Barcelona ..
• Beds:
Municipal library or 2005 Remove Soul of the classics.
Refugees or 2015.
• Zamora, Bienal 1992, 1998.
• Sevilla, Focus 4 the work stations.
• Sevilla, Casco Antiguo Contest.
• Sevilla, 37ª national contest with the artwork Amantes.
He has participated and has been selected in other less important competitions like painting outdoors in Malaga, etc.
Works in various private collections and the collection Doña Cayetana de Alba Excellency or institutions such as Caja Spain or Banco Central Hispano.
Camas is currently working on several projects and in his birthplace of Marquiz de Alba (Zamora) Museum conducting its own foundation.
Website: http://www.galeriapino.com/index.php
Participation Date: Feb 05 2017