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Artist Works
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: Hello, I am Manuel Rey Piulestán, Graduated in Fine Arts in 1998 from the Faculty of Cuenca, although I was studying the first 3 years at the University of Seville. I have my own Degree in Artistic and Art-Therapeutic Resources from the University of Huelva in 2012, as well as the Pedagogical Aptitude Course (CAP) in 2002 at the Complutense University of Madrid.

My training expands in subjects related to Pictorial Creation, Digital Marketing and the Creation of Cultural Companies. For more than 25 years I have worked as a creator of Painting and Decoration Projects in dozens of Public and Private Companies, as well as a Painting and Modeling Monitor in various Cultural Centers and Universities, for all ages.

Regarding my teaching work in Secondary and Baccalaureate, I have not had the opportunity to demonstrate all my experience and knowledge in relation to the subjects of Artistic, Technical Drawing and Plastic and Visual Education, although I can assure you that it is not an impediment to my professional concerns. adapt my pedagogical resources to the Curriculum of your Educational Center. Teaching is truly my vocation, whether it is regulated or not.
My availability is immediate. I have my own vehicle. 
My command of English is fluent spoken and written. I studied at the English Center of Puerto de Santa Mª, one of the first Mixed and Bilingual Centers in Spain (1981-1989). I am currently continuing my training to obtain the B1 accreditation. I also speak and write French fluently, although I can only prove the 4 years I received at the Institute. (1989-1992).

I invite you to learn about everything I can offer you, for an Educational Center, on the following platforms and websites:
Thank you very much for your interest in my application.
I am at your disposal for any questions or interviews you may need for your educational objectives.
English speaker: Si
Website: https://www.islakartare.com/galeria-tematica-de-obra
Participation Date: Feb 23 2024