Original work, Crystal materials, Unique piece
Price: 350 €
Summary of the original work
Dimensions 25.00 cm wide x 25.00 cm high.
Year: 2019
Sculpture: mirror, glass, mosaic, sculpture 3D, in ceramics, glass, others.
This piece is a small medallion for the wall with chain, a type of stained glass or mosaic with a circular shape whose central theme is inspired by the Virgin of Coromoto, fine art, original, unique art, economical, vital for the wall .My pieces They are luxurious. Handmade by myself Sculpture: mirror, glass, mosaic, sculpture 3D, in ceramics, glass, others. This piece is a small medallion for the wall with chain, a type of stained glass or mosaic with a circular shape whose central theme is inspired by the Virgin of Coromoto, fine, original art, unique, economic art, vital for the wall. My pieces are luxurious. Handmade by myself
This piece is a stained glass inspired by the virom of the coromoto. This is a very beautiful and unique piece because my style is not worked by anyone but me.
The main materials are ceramic, colored glass, transparent glass, paint, mirrors, a chain and other decorations and details. Also a kind of mixture of various materials that I call putty.
I chose some of these materials because in the art world they are not very used and others because simply nobody but me uses them for their pieces, this is what distinguishes me from other artists who use the same old materials, I think The materials I use are what make my sculptures unique and original and distinguish them from all the others.
The mirrors are embedded in small amounts between the mosaic glasses, but also used to form the aura of the Virgin. The transparent glass gives the circular shape to the sculpture and the colored glass forms the mosaic, and the piece of the Virgin of Coromoto was sculpted in ceramics. This piece includes a chain, but it is only as a decoration to give more realism to the medallion, it hangs on the wall and can not be used as an accessory or a piece of clothing
This piece is economical compared to the sculptures of other artists, such as sculptures of 12,000 dollars or paintings with high prices of 10,000 dollars and are not made with materials such as those I use or are as elaborate as my work.
If the piece is held against the rays of the sun its rays allow to better appreciate the contrast of the colors of the mosaic glasses.
If you want to maintain this beautiful effect, you can do it through a custom installation that consists of making a small hole in the wall where the sculpture will be hung, then install a white bulb with a switch to turn it on and off whenever you want. , then hang the piece. As you can see in the pictures above it will look like a very original lamp.
The lights seen in the photo are not included but you can add lights for yourself.
This piece is perfect to decorate any space, you can place it on the wall of your room and use it as a bedside lamp (if the installation is done before mentioned), you can also place it in the living room as a centerpiece or use it for an altar dedicated to the Virgin of Coromoto in your home.
If you wish, you can order several pieces to place in each of the rooms of your home if you want to order several communicate to the + 584241686907 by means of whatsapp.
This piece was made in Venezuela. I invite you to see more sculptures, as this is in my profile. . You may want to buy some
This piece is a small medallion for the wall with chain, a type of stained glass or mosaic with a circular shape whose central theme is inspired by the Virgin of Coromoto, fine art, original, unique art, economical, vital for the wall .My pieces They are luxurious. Handmade by myself Sculpture: mirror, glass, mosaic, sculpture 3D, in ceramics, glass, others. This piece is a small medallion for the wall with chain, a type of stained glass or mosaic with a circular shape whose central theme is inspired by the Virgin of Coromoto, fine, original art, unique, economic art, vital for the wall. My pieces are luxurious. Handmade by myself
This piece is a stained glass inspired by the virom of the coromoto. This is a very beautiful and unique piece because my style is not worked by anyone but me.
The main materials are ceramic, colored glass, transparent glass, paint, mirrors, a chain and other decorations and details. Also a kind of mixture of various materials that I call putty.
I chose some of these materials because in the art world they are not very used and others because simply nobody but me uses them for their pieces, this is what distinguishes me from other artists who use the same old materials, I think The materials I use are what make my sculptures unique and original and distinguish them from all the others.
The mirrors are embedded in small amounts between the mosaic glasses, but also used to form the aura of the Virgin. The transparent glass gives the circular shape to the sculpture and the colored glass forms the mosaic, and the piece of the Virgin of Coromoto was sculpted in ceramics. This piece includes a chain, but it is only as a decoration to give more realism to the medallion, it hangs on the wall and can not be used as an accessory or a piece of clothing
This piece is economical compared to the sculptures of other artists, such as sculptures of 12,000 dollars or paintings with high prices of 10,000 dollars and are not made with materials such as those I use or are as elaborate as my work.
If the piece is held against the rays of the sun its rays allow to better appreciate the contrast of the colors of the mosaic glasses.
If you want to maintain this beautiful effect, you can do it through a custom installation that consists of making a small hole in the wall where the sculpture will be hung, then install a white bulb with a switch to turn it on and off whenever you want. , then hang the piece. As you can see in the pictures above it will look like a very original lamp.
The lights seen in the photo are not included but you can add lights for yourself.
This piece is perfect to decorate any space, you can place it on the wall of your room and use it as a bedside lamp (if the installation is done before mentioned), you can also place it in the living room as a centerpiece or use it for an altar dedicated to the Virgin of Coromoto in your home.
If you wish, you can order several pieces to place in each of the rooms of your home if you want to order several communicate to the + 584241686907 by means of whatsapp.
This piece was made in Venezuela. I invite you to see more sculptures, as this is in my profile. . You may want to buy some

Original work

One of a kind Artwork

Certificate of Authenticity
Shipping & policies
Item location: VENEZUELAWorldwide shipping
Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.
Published in Artenet since: June 17, 2019
Details of the original work
Crystal materials
Dimensions 25.00 cm x 25.00 cm.
Year Created: 2019Style / Topic
Theme:- Spirituality
- Religion
Sculpture: mirror, glass, mosaic, sculpture 3D, in ceramics, glass, others.
This piece is a small medallion for the wall with chain, a type of stained glass or mosaic with a circular shape whose central theme is inspired by the Virgin of Coromoto, fine art, original, unique art, economical, vital for the wall .My pieces They are luxurious. Handmade by myselfDescription
Sculpture: mirror, glass, mosaic, sculpture 3D, in ceramics, glass, others. This piece is a small medallion for the wall with chain, a type of stained glass or mosaic with a circular shape whose central theme is inspired by the Virgin of Coromoto, fine, original art, unique, economic art, vital for the wall. My pieces are luxurious. Handmade by myself
This piece is a stained glass inspired by the virom of the coromoto. This is a very beautiful and unique piece because my style is not worked by anyone but me.
The main materials are ceramic, colored glass, transparent glass, paint, mirrors, a chain and other decorations and details. Also a kind of mixture of various materials that I call putty.
I chose some of these materials because in the art world they are not very used and others because simply nobody but me uses them for their pieces, this is what distinguishes me from other artists who use the same old materials, I think The materials I use are what make my sculptures unique and original and distinguish them from all the others.
The mirrors are embedded in small amounts between the mosaic glasses, but also used to form the aura of the Virgin. The transparent glass gives the circular shape to the sculpture and the colored glass forms the mosaic, and the piece of the Virgin of Coromoto was sculpted in ceramics. This piece includes a chain, but it is only as a decoration to give more realism to the medallion, it hangs on the wall and can not be used as an accessory or a piece of clothing
This piece is economical compared to the sculptures of other artists, such as sculptures of 12,000 dollars or paintings with high prices of 10,000 dollars and are not made with materials such as those I use or are as elaborate as my work.
If the piece is held against the rays of the sun its rays allow to better appreciate the contrast of the colors of the mosaic glasses.
If you want to maintain this beautiful effect, you can do it through a custom installation that consists of making a small hole in the wall where the sculpture will be hung, then install a white bulb with a switch to turn it on and off whenever you want. , then hang the piece. As you can see in the pictures above it will look like a very original lamp.
The lights seen in the photo are not included but you can add lights for yourself.
This piece is perfect to decorate any space, you can place it on the wall of your room and use it as a bedside lamp (if the installation is done before mentioned), you can also place it in the living room as a centerpiece or use it for an altar dedicated to the Virgin of Coromoto in your home.
If you wish, you can order several pieces to place in each of the rooms of your home if you want to order several communicate to the + 584241686907 by means of whatsapp.
This piece was made in Venezuela. I invite you to see more sculptures, as this is in my profile. . You may want to buy some -
Item location: VENEZUELA
Postage to: Worldwide
Shipping costs World:80 EURDispatch time:
Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.

Price: 350 EUR
Price: 350 EUR
If you are interested or want more information about this work, get in touch with "Carmen Benavente Díaz" (Artenet will receive a copy of the message).
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Shipment details
Item location: VENEZUELA
Postage to: Worldwide
Shipping Worldwide: 80 EUR
Postage to: Worldwide
Shipping Worldwide: 80 EUR
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Normally shipped 2-3 days since actual payment.Payment methods and Policies
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