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Biography: Inspired by my own experience, my work is usually autobiographical, expressing my moods or what happens and determines my life at that moment.
Behind each painting is the desire to capture the emotions of the moment that positively or negatively mark the lives of the protagonists of my paintings. The use of light both to emphasize how to dramatize the environment is a tool that I use often and that allows me to capture that significant moment of life.
Color, light reflections and use of colored shadows is a primordial part of my technique ..
From a very young age I felt a passion for the arts in all its forms and although leaving school focused on more practical careers (science and computer science), art never ceased to be an important part of my life. This is how my paintings allowed me to join the celebrated "Cercle Artistic de SantLluc" in Barcelona where, in addition to developing oil painting and portrait in watercolor, I began my learning of the technique of sculpture in clay that I learned from the master of the center Of St.
When I moved to England in the 2004 I decided to study Bachelor of Arts at the University of Northumbria and since then I have dedicated 100% to painting and I have embraced art as a way of life, for better or for worse, to live from art or die with him.
Website: http://susanazarate.co.uk/
Participation Date: March 20 2017