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Biography: Since I came into the world I grew up between easels and the smell of turpentine. However, what seemed to be my destiny, was suddenly twisted when the muse of music entered a good day in my life as a teenager, leaving my father who dreamed of transmitting his experiences and knowledge of the painting. So I traveled from here to there looking for the best advice of recognized teachers to complete, after having reached the Advanced Degree in Music, my musical and instrumental training. The Almighty wanted that, born far from this coast of Alicante and after having known the experience of emigration in American lands, I developed, more than thirty-five years ago, my professional activity in the Professional Conservatory of Music of Elche as a professor of guitar, my instrument.

One day, in a desire to expand horizons, I entered the university to pursue doctoral studies. I did not know that this decision would end up leading me to the encounter with painting, because certain circumstance determined that my doctoral thesis was dedicated to the work of my father, the painter Antonio Torres (Tenerife 1910-1984), which caused that after three years of study and analysis of his work, felt the urgent need to grasp the brushes, awakening in me a belated vocation for painting. So, after Doctorate in Philosophy and Letters by the University of Alicante, I started almost immediately, with great respect and self-taught, my first drawings. The experience from the beginning was joyful, a revelation.

If self-learning is in itself a hard and complex experience, it has the advantage of freeing ourselves from direct influences that can sometimes be harmful, thus also favoring the encounter with one's own personality. The journey to the present has paid off, but the road is still long; in truth infinite. However, it will not be a heavy or tedious road. The desire to know, to find and to express, give excited hopes and courage to the walker to go bypassing the obstacles in their path.


Drawings, pastels and oil paintings - Sala Maz, Elche (February - March of 2007).
Drawings, pastels and oil paintings - House of Culture, El Campello Town Hall (January of 2009).

"Salón de Otoño" - Association of Artists from Alicante, (November - December of 2003).
I Exhibition of Plastic Artists of the Circle of Fine Arts of Alicante - Cultural Area of ​​El Corte Inglés (March - April of 2004).
"Salon de Primavera" - Association of Artists from Alicante (April 2004).
Hall of Exhibitions of the Alicante Town Hall - Former Fish Market - Diputación de Alicante, City Hall of Alicante - Association of Alicante Artists (9 to 25 March 2007).
"Salon de Primavera" - Association of Artists from Alicante (April 2007).
Novelda Exhibition - Association of Alicantine Artists. (Alicante, November of 2007).
"Tribute" - Asociación Espejo de Alicante - Exhibition Hall of the Police of Santa Pola (December of 2007).
"Sueños" - Mirror of Alicante - San Juan de Dios Hall-Museum (Orihuela, July of 2008).
"United by the Mediterranean painting exhibition" - Alicante Mirror Association - Real Liceo Casino de Alicante (December 10 to 30, 2011)
"Art with Human Rights" - Amnesty International and Mirror of Alicante - In nine exhibition halls in Alicante and its province (from December 2010 to June 2012)
Numerous exhibitions until the present year for the Espejo Association of Alicante for different rooms in the province of Alicante.
"SMILES", selected work in the VIII National Painting Contest "MIRADAS 2012" and used as the cover of the North American publication of ocular medicine in April 2014, volume 30. number 4: "Refractive Surgery".


"The II International Guitar Cycle", Information, Alicante, 12 of June of 1990.
"Considerations on the production of sound in the Spanish classical guitar", Music and Education, Year X, 3 - núm. 31, Madrid, 1997.
"Music in the Mediterranean sacred texts", Music and Education, Year XI, 4 - núm. 36, Madrid, 1998.
"The painter Antonio Torres", in the catalog of the exhibition "Antonio Torres", sponsored by the Hon. Cabildo Insular de Tenerife and the Hon. Güímar City Council, which took place in the Hall of Acts of the Hon. City Council of Güímar (Tenerife), from 26 from June to 11 of July of 1998.
"The painter Antonio Torres in the plastic post-war Tenerife, 1940-1958. Its artistic and social positioning "Doctoral Thesis in CD format published by the Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library Foundation, Alicante 2002:
"Academic training yes, no academic training", Circle, Year 1, no. 1, October, November, December, Alicante 2003.
English speaker: No
Participation Date: Jul 18 2017