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Artist Works
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Perspective on a facade
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Albarracín Red
Category: Checkered
Condition: On sale
Biography: I was born in Badalona in 1968, I have shown drawing skills from a very young age, so my parents introduce me to the basics of painting by the hand of a Fine Arts student, painting my first painting at the age of 11, since then I have not He stopped painting in a self-taught way, later between 2000 and 2002 I meet Francisco Carretero, a well-known professional painter who corrects some defects in my painting, currently I am still looking to improve and evolve.
-2014 selected collective exhibition "The landscape" La salita (Gijón)
-2013 individual exhibition Auditorium Library Lliçà d'Amunt
-2004 Freiburg brewery solo show (Berga)
-2002 collective exhibition Colegio El Turó (Bigues i Riells)
-1985 and 1984 prize drawing competition Institute of FP. Les Vinyes (Santa Coloma de Gramanet)
-1978 Radio Barcelona Christmas Prize for children's drawing.
English speaker: No
Participation Date: August 23 2020