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Listings by Catalina de la Caba Collado

4 results - showing 1 - 4  
Great Crystal
What if all the crystals were colored? Would we get used to a vision unmodified by the earth's atmosphere? Living in a new world is the mirage of a desert ...
Catalina de la Caba Collado
€ 500 EUR
Circumferences towards the final trip
Have you ever drunk a more edifying fluid than a good glass of water. When you perceived another more attractive liquid which emotions accompanied you, which thoughts dominated you. It was everything...
Catalina de la Caba Collado
€ 500 EUR
Immerse yourself in the ocean of the visible. It gives a possibility to the tangible and the ethereal.
Catalina de la Caba Collado
€ 500 EUR
Have space winding
Travel through space and find the energetic possibilities that can be provided by considering why the forms.
Catalina de la Caba Collado
€ 500 EUR
4 results - showing 1 - 4