Figures paintings, Original paintings Figures
Figures paintings for sale online. Find Cuadros Original figures by talented artists of today. Buy Tables Figures directly to artists from around the world.
Oil on canvas in which I capture an image of the Virgin and baby Jesus of my creation, highlighting the maternal and filial aspect.
SILVIA Garcia Oliver
On display
When passion explodes, the figure decomposes, the gaze is multiple and the retina savors the freedom of creation, the life of color that defeats the gray of...
Ana Dorcu
€ 500 EUR
It is part of a series of works in which the protagonist is the woman. I try to capture the eternal beauty of the female body. I have used top quality materials and ...
Santi Goñi Guemes
€ 400 EUR
Unique, hand-painted painting that includes the artist's certificate and shipping to Spain and Europe
Ana Dorcu